Ukip. Hahaha

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by finm, Oct 10, 2014.

  1. now that there out their box. should be helpful for the cause.
    :upyeah::smile:. and a massive guffaw.
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  2. A terrible result for Labour and even worse for the Lib Dems.

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  3. Corrected for you.
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  4. I knew you could be relied upon.
  5. [​IMG]
    • Funny Funny x 10
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  6. UKIP take more votes from the Tories than Labour. There seems an anomaly in traditional Labour strongholds where there is a backlash against immigrants who have not integrated but instead choose the develop "communities" - another mis-used term in my book for isolated and sometimes radical areas.

    UKIP would like the balance of power over the LibDems in the election and would probably make interesting coalition partners with Labour - a marriage the electorate would fully deserve if that is how they vote.

    Given we will still have Scottish, mainly Labour MPs and maybe UKIP winning marginals, the whole system needs an overhaul to demonstrate democracy is not a static system but requires evolutionary measures to ensure votes are relevant and equal.
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  7. If UKIP or Miliband have any say in the next Government we are doomed.

    If Cameron or Clegg have any say then we will be going nowhere.

    Its which is the lesser of two evils?
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  8. Brussels to the rescue!

    You know I'm right!
  9. I thought we were "better together" .....or us that only if say the SNP hold the balance of power in 2015 general election? Then we are not ?
  10. I hope the houses are cheap in Clacton cos it sounds a damn site better than Birmingham. But then, I'm guessing I've opened the floor up to a whole list of places better than Birmingham.
  11. UKIP will take not do as well in a general election.
    They will take enough votes off the Tories to make sure we don't get another Tory govt for a long time, they aren't taking as many votes off Labour
  12. Don't see why so much airtime is spent on this lot. One MP and they will hold the balance of power? If the media just stopped reporting it, in a salacious way of not, they'd disappear as quick as they arrived.
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  13. A vote for UKIP is the ultimate 'protest vote'. And like all protest votes it's a negative, pointless and lazy choice - for people who just want to say No to something, rather than actually think about what this country needs and how we can best move forward. I'd rather vote Yes to something, although I'd readily agree it's not easy to choose between what's on offer... UKIP is certainly not the answer to anything.
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  14. How long you got?
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  15. I can totally buy some of the rhetoric from Farage and his crew, but c'mon, imagine if they actually had power? For starters they wouldnt know what to do other than whats good for them. OK you could level that at any politician but even more than the rest it seems a party of bafoons and egotistical wannabees

    Just a shame they are the only ones engaging with the electrorite at anything like our level

    Politics had a step change when Blair arrived. It needs another now.
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  16. talk about the blind leadingthe delusional. theres many at the top relying in cheep labor from Europe it just aint gonna happen.
  17. There is some big money behind UKIP. And those giving the money will want the biggest say in any power UKIP have.

    Until we change the way our political system works this country will always lurch from one crisis to another. Your MP should be there to represent HIS/HER electorate. Not their party nor who those who are prepared to pay them bigger sums of cash than they earn in salary.

    The only thing occupying their tiny minds is why this country is currently spending £100 billion more EVERY year than it has coming in in taxes.
  18. I think that Lib/Lab/Con have only themselves to blame for the rise of UKIP. All they had to do was hold an in out referendum on EU membership , the result until very recently would almost certainly have been to remain in and that would have taken the wind from UKIP. Instead large swathes of the population have become more and more disenchanted with the EU membership, immigration and a perception that we are being shafted in many ways amongst other things. UKIP are the main beneficiaries.
    I dont go along with the line that the electorate are disengaged from politics, I think many people have become more engaged and want change and this combined with well earned contempt for the traditional parties is making for interesting times ahead.
    I sincerely hope that the next general election really shakes up the system and that we can move away from spin, soundbites, refusal to give a straight answer to a straight question and all the usual political bollox.
    My opinion is that the UK has become a worse place to live over the last 30 years regardless of whatever we are told about rising standards, increased public spending etc even if they are true. Can you see a government led by Miliband or Cameron actually making anything better ?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. dunno, the ref up here has done nothing to dampen the cause. in fact we are more determend
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