The Motorbike Show - Itv4 - Seat Upholsterer Info.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by tricolore, Oct 7, 2014.

  1. In the last series Henry Cole visited and had made a custom seat, does anyone know the name of that upholsterer, it's from episode 4 I think. I don't have Sky and its only the last two episodes that appear on ITV catch up TV.
  2. I remember that show, I've just checked my pvr and I've deleted it! The only thing I can remember with any certainty was they are based in the Birmingham area?


    Sorry I can't be any more helpful ...
  3. I seem to remember they were father and son and Lebanese as well. How many Lebanese automobile uphosterers can there be in Birmingham?
    Can you contact Cole via facebook or twitter and ask him. The Motorbike show doesn't seem to have a website.
  4. Shame they didn't stitch his lips together.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. Sent Cole a facebook message but no reply and no surprise I suppose.

    Wonder if its these guys, if we're sure they're from Brum, Leighton doesn't sound very Lebanese though ?

  6. If you get no joy, I know an excellent guy just outside of Maidstone, Kent. He fits bike seats in between Ferrari's and the like :)
  7. Paul Nahoulakian: 98 Steventon Road Drayton, Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 4LD. tel: 01235 528893
    Quality seat recovering from a one man business at a good price. Does Williams F1 and Mettise motorcycles.
  8. HE wouldn't know - he knows fuk all about bikes, he's a right numpty :Happy: motorcycle mollusc...
  9. I still have it on my PVR. As johnv says above, it's Paul Nahoulakian, near Abingdon.
  10. Well - Oxford is close to Birmingham - sort of - what the fuck was I thinking :sorry:
  11. If it's any consolidation I thought it was Birmingham.
  12. Thanks for confirmation - I'll pop down in a couple of weeks.
  13. Went to see Paul and his son Gerrard today...they work from the back of their house in a small outbuilding. The choice of finishes is limitless, sponge, gel or memory foam padding. Leather, Alcantara, loads of vinyls in colours and finishes and various coloured stitching. Great place and they obviously know their stuff. I'll post up a picture when it's finished.
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