The Christmas Presents Idea Thread

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Oct 11, 2014.

  1. irreversibly even...
  2. Been wondrin', what you getting me?
  3. All presents greatly received
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  4. a knuckle sandwich mate!:punch: :)
  5. Twat - I want you to be nice and fluffy from now on like a true chunky monkey should be ;)
  6. Well ya shit outa luck :D
  7. Dam, we will just have to work on it together fluffy bunny :Hilarious:
  8. You're so far from being a fluffy bunny it's unreal, but I'm sure we'll get there eventually :Smuggrin:
  9. i dont know... they say you can only polish a turd so much....
  10. You can lacquer it though, then polish ;)
  11. think my crimbo present came early, no hangover, nice.
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