Ukip. Hahaha

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by finm, Oct 10, 2014.

  1. There is a disconnect between voters and Westminster, maybe there always has been, but in todays digital age they can no longer hide in the dark.

    The parties are too strong. Power, and responsibility, needs to be devolved back to the people; whether they would do any better is a moot point though.
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  2. party's have no strength. it's THEIR puppet masters that pull the strings.
    #22 finm, Oct 11, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2014
  3. I can see a government run by Farage making everything much worse.
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Hang on I'll get me tinfoil hat.

    You could well be right though. There are some pretty big winners out there, and it ain't us. But then it never was.
  5. Aaaah the illuminati...
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. upload_2014-10-11_13-31-19.jpeg
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  7. i love watching the English squirming around like eels out of the water getting in a flap about the UKIP,, some even try to say that they do not matter, protest vote, etc etc,, well if they are so unimportant then why are the Tory scumbags trying to steal their thunder by supposedly adopting all their policies ,,,, even if anybody actually believed that they could,,, I watched with amazement the desperation speech by Cameroon a couple of weeks ago actually wondering if anybody was stooopid enough to believe him.. it seems some are :Banghead:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. Precisely TTonup. Whatever policy concession Cameron offers to try and head off UKIP, you can be certain that there will be not a shred a sincerity behind it. The straw which broke the camel's back for Douglas Carswell was being present at a meeting between Cameron and several other European heads of state where the subject of Cameron's renegotiations were discussed and openly derided on all sides. Cameron apparently assured his EU counterparts that he had not the slightest intention of pursuing any special conditions for the UK beyond the bare minimum necessary to get the correct result in the referendum. And yet Cameron says it is Carswell who has betrayed his party.
    I can respect any party, without acrimony, even if I profoundly disagree with their policies, if it has integrity and sticks to its political principles. Cameron reminds me of Blair. He is what Tony Benn called a weather-cock politician. He wets his finger, sticks it in the air and sets his policy to according to the way the wind is blowing. Milliband is the same.
  9. I've never voted, I am over 40. I am going to vote UKIP.
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  10. yip it was the pensioners that did it for us up here also.
  11. OMG,, now that is a mid life crisis !!!!!!
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  12. lol, you'd say

    About time the goverments stood up grew some balls, spoke out and stop the UK turning into a pile of shit.

    I can't speak my mind as we are all shushed by political bollox and laws that squash freedom of speach.
    #32 arthurbikemad, Oct 12, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2014
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. What do you want to say that you aren't allowed to?
    Which of the UKIP policies has inspired you to vote?
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  14. Interesting to watch the Conservatives and Labour shift over the last few days, almost as if they will change policy just for power, surely that cannot be the case as they are far too principled to behave in such a grubby fashion . It is (nearly) enough to make you admire the Lib Dems for not doing that . Or have they and I missed it as nobody pays attention to them any more ?
  15. used to be a time when there were leaders , men ( and women ) of vision , principles, and integrity,, now there are ambitious self interested servants who will claim to provide what ever the electorate want..
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  16. Correct dukesox. And the worst of it is they think we're dumb enough to believe that their startling road to Damascus conversion is genuine. And they have the nerve to call Farage a populist. Its contemptible.
    U turn if you want to you bunch of shysters. You only fool the fools.
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  17. works
    works every time !!!!!!!!
  18. Perhaps they are the people with more "Savoir faire." Isn't that better than allowing 16 year old children to decide the future of the United Kingdom.
  19. I would have said that UKIP are the biggest offenders for offering populist policies that they know will win votes but they can never deliver.

    The world has changed dramatically in the last 20 years but UKIP still seem to think its as it was 50 years ago.
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  20. Lib Dems havent moved an inch in their principles for power ^ahem university tuition fees^
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