Proud to be British yet?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bradders, Aug 4, 2012.

  1. Yep costs money blah blah but now its started, how awesome are we Brits doing and how fantastic is the coverage?!

    10 out of 10 from me
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  2. Yep, definitely, I was just shouting at the TV, screaming for Mo Farah!! Awesome!
  3. Apart from the fucking wastrels kicking a football about
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  4. Yeah a sport we're meant to be good at....but lets keep this upbeat! :upyeah:
  5. Loving every minute of it - Mo Farah I was going bonkers, couldn't believe it, was sure he went too early, get in there - outstanding. Wiggins, Ennis, Rutherford, the Rowers, the Cycling. Proud indeed.
  6. So happy for once in my life to see GB deliver. Not just the performances, which have been outstanding, but the venues and the opening ceremony.

    While I had predicted disaster, I am so glad to have been proven comprehensively wrong. I don't think you can ever have been so proud to be British.

    And the remarkable thing is how we have turned this around. A couple of decades ago, we were just Olympic nonentities. Now third in the table behind the billion odd Chinese and the US with 5 times the population and far more dosh.

    We must have been doing something right. And so glad to see football, the national obsession, reduced to being a sideshow.
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  7. Has anyone else noticed how all of the Olympic sports us Brits are good at are done sitting down!?! :tongue:
  8. Except tonight then
  9. Also great to see how humble the winners are. Many behave like its an absolute surprise! Showing the true reasons why winners are winners
  10. In Atlanta GB won a single gold medal. In London it was six just today!

    Being someone who has to drive in London daily, I was beginning to hate the olympics before it started, and I've been involved in working on the aircon in the shooting stadium, and all the security hassle that involves. But I've been hooked since the start of the opening ceremony, and I've been getting really sucked in by the whole atmosphere.
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  11. +1:smile:
  12. Sporting success yes, the back handers no... And don't get me started on the rest of the country, benefits wasters, single mum house claiming, illegal immigrants being given the life of riley, OAP's being turfed out of nursing homes to name a few things I hate about being a British citizen.
  13. Okay, we won't.
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  14. Bye then:upyeah: Freak
  15. You must have been out making the tea and cucumber sandwiches when we won three field events.

    Regards Steve
  16. Mo Farah certainly wasn't sitting down.

  17. Sensational Super Saturday or what? - 14 Golds so far. .........and the Aussies have only got one! :eek:
  18. Not to mention all the World Records our cyclists seem to break every time they get on their bikes !
  19. It's ahsome.
  20. I'm thoroughly enjoying the games..........and on Tuesday I'll be there myself to watch some amazing athletics :upyeah:
    #20 El Toro, Aug 5, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2012
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