So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. I say, ding dong!
  2. Prep track bike for cadwell on Tuesday:smile: Put leathers on to go out. No sooner than I did it pissed it down :mad:
  3. So the tyres are pumped up ok then!:eek: It's been raining on and off here most of the day too.

    I might call into Cadwell on Tuesday....if I stay down there on Monday night, see how busy things are.
  4. Pulled up all the onions. Left to dry in sun. Weeded the patch they were in. Planted some leftover tomatoes still in pots. Watched Olympics and felt very proud of all that Team GB is achieving. Also happy that the Swiss finally won a gold medal - they were getting very depressed about it.

    Seems that the Olympics are proving to be a great success from every angle which makes me happy (and really quite surprised).
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  5. Make sure you come and say hi if you do bud :upyeah:
  6. Amid all these rock stars, racers and olympians I feel quite ordinary. Went to work, then had a jar. I feel like I've let the team down:frown:
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  7. No.....that's the game m8!
  8. Will do :upyeah:
  9. I think not. Never underestimate how hard working on HVAC is :upyeah:
  10. It weren't too hard this morning:wink:
  11. Is that your daughter Anth?
    She is beautiful :)
  12. Yeah but at least you attended...that's the hardest part!
  13. Yup.....that's XxAnthxX junior the elder!
  14. I was dragged to a art/pottery festival in the lakes. It was shite. :mad:

    I could have been hooning around the countryside with Daisy :frown:

    On the plus side we are staying in a nice hotel serving nice food and wine and hopefully I'll be back tomorrow afternoon for a quick blast :upyeah:
  15. Had Starbux, collected new mag toe sliders from Post Office, finished rebuilding the back of my 1098 (its in the superbike section), bought a new telly, heated up some pasta, watched Blue Thunder on Blu Ray. Thats about it really :biggrin: but tomorrow is a new day :eek:
  16. So when will you be eating the pasta cos by my reckoning it'll be cold again by now :tongue:
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  17. Picked up my new 749 from Bristol, rode it around AND avoided to thunderstorms. I may do a write up comparing it to my 750ss
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  18. treated leathers to a one hour wash cycle
  19. 7.00 am ...... Not raining:wink:...... 50miles....... Matlock Bath...... Bacon cob......... Still not raining ...... 50 miles..... 10.30 home:upyeah:
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