I did an IQ test at school, as a consequence instead of being sent to a detention centre I got sent to a posh public school. I got expelled. So much for my IQ. Doesnt stop me being a fuckwit.
An IQ is meaningless. Ive met plenty of people with no qualifications at all who were and are hugely cleverer than I could ever hope to be. IQ tests are willy waving for the insecure.
An IQ test is one thing. You might find people who score extremely highly, who are quite amazingly bright. But they may have no social skills, be incapable of fitting in with and organising teams and other people. Then they may have little drive to get anything done. People who go far in careers are normally quite bright (but not necessarily excessively so), are great at getting people to do things (the things they can't or don't want to do) and have a real drive to succeed. That's my 2p worth. Also, not being overly bright helps you simplify and simplification is essential in a professional existence because life is just too complicated. Reagan was a great simplifier, as was Bush Jr. Were they great presidents? I have my opinions. But the interesting thing is that they became presidents - got to the top of the tree, if you will.
That sounds just like me, I motivate people on here - sometimes in very different ways but it usually ends up with ridicule to varying degrees :Mooning:
Peter Cook was a genius. Was writing sketches and getting paid for them while he was still at Cambridge. Started The Establishment Club in his 20s. It was so successful the PM came one night. So successful he started it in New York. He was still in his 20s. Founded Private Eye - still going nearly 50 years later. His social skills were so great that the Beatles were introduced to him rather than vice versa. Some of them became regular dinner guests (where he would be astonishingly funny, making it up as he went along). The problem with Peter Cook was that having done far more in his 20s than most people do in en entire lifetime, he just lost any interest in really being successful, although he did want to be big in Hollywood (and failed). He never really forgave Dudley for succeeding in that domain. If there is one bloke I'd have liked to have met, Peter Cook is the man.