So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. I visit the sarf :)
  2. Seems this was the weekend for sorting cars out before they start throwing salt everywhere
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  3. My next lesson is clay baring :/
  4. It looked straight forward when I was watching Mel do it, he had some sort of holder to put the bar in. I usually do my own car but Mel wanted to do the gardx so also did all the pre-prep work to get the car spotless first... I walked the dog! I was interested on the effect you got from the stuff you had on the windows. I think I might invest in some, I wonder if it can be used on visors??
  5. I was lying in bed with the wife this morning, and she was lying to me

  6. There are YouTube videos about gtechniq
    Have a look
    The rain just beads away
    It's like a nail varnish for glass I'm not sure if it would be ok on plastic though
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  7. Thanks Viv, I'll definitely get some.
  8. Did a little work on my Pantah projects today -
    Pantah framess 14-10-2014.jpg
  9. I like the twin chassis idea, Pete.
    I wonder, has anyone else ever though to join to motorbikes together to make a four-wheeler? What would you call such a thing?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. 50 / 50 for my theory test, ( second time ), think I am ready for it now ...... is it the same 50 ques every time ???
  11. Oh dear. Nicked for speeding again.

    So as it was a beautiful day, I decided to go to France to buy some fish and some meat for my hotpot. There is a bit of motorway to get to France (the supermarket I was aiming for is only about 25 miles away) but they have just installed average speed cameras on it which limit you to 50 mph – torture on the 999. So I took the parallel twisty road which was literally caked in mud from a tractor. Aaargh!

    Not to worry, swervery was still to be had. Got to the supermarket and did my shopping and decided to take the longer way home, thus avoiding the mud and the average speed cams. This has the bonus of being over my favourite stretch of road. It kicks off with what I thought was a motorway for about 3 miles – a looping, bending, hilly bit of empty dual carriageway which is great fun. This leads on to a single carriageway road through a fir forest which is wide, bendy, slightly downhill and surfaced like a racetrack. The bends are fast, but nothing tightens up and great fun is to be had. There are fixed Gatsos at one point, but I know more or less where they are.

    So I tonked up the autoroute at a fun sort of speed, and attacked the main road with a little caution as I expected the Gatsos around any bend. One I’d passed them, I got on with the job of exploiting the fine handling and some of the motor of my Ducati. That was until I caught sight of a motorcycle light in my mirrors. Hmm, I thought, he must be travelling if he’s caught up with me. Then I spotted the flashing blue lights…

    I slowed down and followed him into the layby and expected the worst, which, I thought, might involve surrendering my bike to him then and there. This was surely not going to be good. The gendarme seemed quite calm, didn’t berate me but just asked for the documents. He did a check on those then proceeded to explain that I had been clocked at 155 kph (that’ll be a bit over 95 mph) on the “autoroute” and that according to his table (which he studied carefully) that meant I was to be done for 140 kph instead of the 110 kph I was meant to be travelling. Things were looking up. Result, a €90 fine which I was to hand over forthwith.

    This was rather better than I had expected, seeing as I had seen a 170 kph on the speedo on the “autoroute” and the speedo isn’t that optimistic. Also, I might possibly have been travelling at 150 kph after the autoroute, in bits (sorry).

    He didn’t take credit cards, so I had to follow him back to the roundabout where he’d been hiding with his colleague and I was then sent to the next village to get the cash from a machine while he hung on to my driver’s licence and reg doc. He explained that we would be travelling together at a slower speed “not because I don’t want to go fast, but because it’s not allowed”. I had noticed his Joe Bar Team keyring. In fact, I suspected he wasn’t too proud about this nick, and that on any given weekend he might have been doing the same thing. As a biker, I am pretty sure he didn’t expect a Ducati 999 and a rider in one-piece leathers to have been doing 55 mph down that bit of road and 70 mph on the dual carriageway.

    I did explain that I had mistaken the dual carriageway for an autoroute (130 kph) as there are no signs on it telling you how fast you should go and I thought the sign below meant autoroute. It doesn’t apparently. It means “route pour automobiles” – which is pretty bloody stupid. What did I think it was? A donkey cart track? A bicycle circuit? Still, I didn’t pretend to be outraged. Even if it had been an autoroute I’d knowingly been travelling 40 kph too fast.

    So a pricey afternoon, but no real harm done. You don’t buy a 999 for road use to travel at regulatory speeds. I accept that and the fines that inevitably crop up now and again. Mind you, having a couple of gendarmes skulking on a roundabout with laser binoculars to monitor a bit of dual carriageway which carries very little traffic – it’s a bit thin. My last 3 speeding offences have all been in open country where I wasn’t doing anyone any harm. Still, there you go.

    If you look to the left of the blue sign, that was the bit of dual carriageway that the gendarmes had decided to monitor. Poor show, lads.
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  12. nul points?

    Indeed. It was explained to me that had I been French, I'd have had 3. But the Swiss don't have a points system in any case. That was the closest the gendarme got to actually criticising my behaviour.
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  13. that's good then. obv since you live in Swiss you must be loaded so if you want a good blast of an afternoon then you just be prepared to pay the extra £60 and go for it :)
  14. If only that were true!
    Currently completely skint, but I just accept the odd fine as a cost of biking, like services and insurance. Basically, my hobby is illegal, but no more illegal, I presume than for all the forum members who don't ride exclusively on track.
  15. It's a shame you couldn't barter some of you kirsch
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  16. That's bad luck, Glidd, but it may have been worse. Better luck next time you open her up :)
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  17. Today was a visit to the hospital to have the staples taken out from where my hip was operated on.Ouch,Ouch.......:Arghh:
    Was given more physio to do and told I could go walkabout outside the house.Have to use two sticks and be accompanied at all times.:) I am now starting to think about a new bike for next year:upyeah:
    Trouble is there are lots of nice bikes around and I do tend to be very changeable in what I want.Notice I say want and not need.:p
    Much more optimistic today-I had a few days where my leg was about twice its normal size and very painful.
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