So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Good to hear you're on the mend Merv! :)
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  2. Today I've been coughing and spluttering like a bastard so I went home after 1pm to try and get some kip as I'd had a poor nights sleep.

    However this morning I'd also had a meeting with my marketing agency to discuss the progress on the company's new website. It's looking really good. I'm pleased with it so far. Hopefully it'll go live in about 4 weeks after the testing we are conducting:upyeah:
  3. A good nights rest and a hot toddy will work wonders.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Don't get legless though, right?

  5. I'd give it a day or two :)
  6. Meeting bloody meetings and now Hotel :-(
  7. only thing to do is hit the hotel bar! well there is a couple of others but im not sure if they are legal.... what country you in?
  8. Today I fought off man flu for the second day running - I say "running" but no chance of any of that with my hip kicking off - and managed to turn around an install project at one of our customer sites that was threatening to become a true cluster fuck. Tomorrow should see the end of the install, which means it should be finished on-time.

    Since getting home I have been listening to music, doing a mini-review of music suggestions from/for my brother-in-law and continuing to ignore whatever TV shows that have been recorded since Sunday. Two beers will do me tonight, I reckon!

    Oh yeah, No.2 son informed me he is looking at a property this weekend that he might be rent-sharing with some mates - looks like his temporary stay with me is temporary after all!

    Someone said that there is meant to be some really nice weather due this weekend? True? I want to do some miles on my new M7RRs!
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  9. A foreign land indeed - I think it's called Stratford Just Beside the River of Avon or something hoytee toytee like that. Think it's in Middle Earthlands?
    • Like Like x 1
  10. Sounds chavvy.

    Made any friends, Exi?
  11. ahhh... think they have the same laws as England.. just stick to the bar
  12. What, ever?

    Down here every week for the last 6 years at least one night a week...
    • Like Like x 1
  13. You could call it the 1955 Nardi Bisiluro Damolnar (now in a museum in Milan).
  14. Easy life :)
  15. Must be a good hotel does it come with perks ;)
  16. There was a thread recently called project mania due to the amount of projects underway - it appears we now need a double project mania as I too am building two side by side (or at least one slightly behind the other) :Happy:
    • Like Like x 1
  17. They did offer me two keys for the room but didn't have time to post you the spare ;)
    Premier Inn, clearly used as a knocking shop as I was clearly staying on my own.

    Normal posh hotel was full, well crap as I get a free bottle of wine every week when I stay :(

  18. Only send the key to the posh hotel and include champers please :)
  19. Don't need an extra key there, it's like a second home, always get an upgrade to a suite too. No problem sneaking you in - done it loads of times ;)

    You don't remember...

  20. Ssshhhh
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