Ex Ducati Owner Passed On The Bug To The B'friend Who's Now Loitering On This Forum All The Time

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by MissPineapple, Oct 15, 2014.

  1. Hello!

    As I posted here already thought it nice to do an intro thread.
    You may or may not know Royal (on this forum); he's my other half (still debating which one of us is the better half... think we agree to disagree there - surprise surprise :D)

    Royal; was introduced to motorbike by yours truly, as a matter of fact he was allowed (by special concession) to ride my Monster 696 on Xmas day 2013 in Sainsbury's car park (doesn't get any more glamorous than that! HAHAHA) - that ios the day he got the bug and the addiction to motorbikes started... you can read his intro to know the rest so will not bore you with the rest of the story...

    Anyway- my Monster got written off on 8 March 2014 courtesy of a D#@!!£$ in a crappy car who decided to suddenly turn in a side road without looking...

    Due to insurance companies being evil b~#%£, the claim was a long tedious and emotional process (bear in mind that just after the accident I spent 20 minutes at least hugging my bike and crying my eyes out for she was "dead" (ie I knew it was a write off) . Bikey (that was her name) had been the only good thing in my life over the previous year,, not only that - she was the bike I had always wanted ..she was my baby and I was truly emotionally attached to her (it)


    Anyway- due to insurance peeps trying their best not to pay out despite me not being to blame for the accident and having the insurance with all bells and whistles etc etc I ended up buying the most hooligan sounding bike I could (GSXR600 K1) because I do not want anyone to have the excuse of: did not hear you/did not see you. it took a very long time to get to like the GSXR as nothing will ever replace Bikey - Going on a 3500 miles trip around Europe with Royal after basically rebuilding the bike did "get us closer" - (he's done a thread on here about the trip)

    am considering getting another Ducati in future and I do like the scrambler however: I cannot have a slower bike than Royal so.. maybe.. 1299 :D
    • Like Like x 5
  2. Welcome along Davina
  3. Haha you're going to cause confusion there MrAliT as my name is actually Dave haha
  4. I'm MissPineapple (or MissP) -what is going on here?? :Wideyed: confused
  5. Ha! My work here is done. :D
  6. no,no Mass Confusion is my job! that is why I was asked to pop over "the mainly red" side :D
  7. This, (and some bull) may shed some light :-

  8. Hello! :)
  9. hahahaha
  10. Sorry. Quite right too. Theres a bit of a 'tradition' we'll call it, of calling new people Dave.

    Welcome along MissP
  11. Ah, ok- thanks! I'm sure that is not confusing at all! HAHAHHA

    PS:- why isn't there a laughing out loud type smiley on this forum???? or am I missing something?
  12. :D :Hilarious: :Woot: Any of these do?
  13. we save this one for one particular person. hobnail bob.:Finger: it's the only language he understands.
  14. thanks, but was thinking more along these lines... [​IMG]

    but now I have worked it out... [​IMG]
  15. Wow, an impressive row of garages there
  16. ahhh there are way too many people like that around.. everywhere..sadly..
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. wish they were all mine and filled with various makes and models of bikes...sadly not.. but one day! :D
  18. Hello & welcome
  19. :Shamefullyembarrased: boyfriends loitering on forums - its a girls worst nightmare

    Welcome to Dave's house
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