Always thought IQ is only half the story. If IQ were X then a more broad based common sense might be seen as Y. Put both on a grid to see how much of the big picture you can understand or do. Does a high score X mean a low score Y I wonder?
I.Q. Is no substitute for common sense. Sadly far too many middle management types seem to think common sense (and logic for that matter) just aren't important.
Just because you are intelligent does not mean that you have no common sense, conversely being dumb as a bucket of shrimp doesn't give you common sense... It's perfectly feasible to be intelligent AND have common sense...
There is already one of those. To demonstrate: "My mate tells me he has an IQ of 141 and he has oodles of common sense." See?
^ am reliably informed by my mate that 'Intelligent Richards' have become the bane of his life as he gets older (he's roughly the same age as me)
My mate agrees with your mate, Chris but he hates Exige's mate with a deep and abiding loathing (He seems to like Exige himself, though.)
"Common sense" is one of those expressions which means different things to different people. What the writer means by "common sense" is "having opinions identical to my own". Defining your views as "common sense" is little more than a spurious way of trying to gain extra credibility for them, whilst implicitly smearing any alternative views as "lacking in common sense". It amounts to an admission that you are short of real arguments.