touring screens for multi,s

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Sparky mike, Aug 4, 2012.

  1. anyone on tried a different screen for multi 1200 touring in mind seen the puig ones look good ?
  2. I have the MRA Vario and generally leave it at the lowest setting with the lip parallel to the screen. There is less turbulence and it is significantly quieter with the head in clearer air, it is a big improvement on standard.
  3. I agree, I have the Vario also. Riders let me try the Givi as well but the Vario is much better than Givi or standard.
  4. I have a puig screen, bit taller than std one and has a better profile.
  5. PUIG+Aztec spacers is the best combo I have tried so far. It's not going to be really good until we get some flaps, so far they are the holy grail in MTS1200 wind noise reduction.
  6. I have just fitted the Palmer products screen adapter which has not been a success. Having spoken to them, they suggest I fit their larger screen. At £100 on top of the adapter I am a bit hesitant. Anyone else out there tried one.
  7. As far as I am aware (I'm open to correction here) the Palmer adapter is basically a fancy/adjustable version of the Aztec spacers (not adjustable). Therefore, if it is the stock screen that you don't get in with (everyone seems to be different regarding screens) then it won't help.

    Horses for courses, but MRA Vario and Puig seem to get good reviews, along with a few others. I have the MRA Vario x-creen double with Aztec spacers. It is "ok", but as PDM says, not the panacea you are looking for.

    Others rave about "shortie" screens, but you lose the "protection" of a "big" screen. I am going to try the Puig Sport screen, but they aren't available til mid October now....I know, I've checked! The Puig factory are on holiday for August... ;-)
  8. Same here nik but i dont think it is much better than the standard which i have cutdown for short rideouts!
  9. Took the Multi out with a Puig short smoked screen on today. It's far better than the original but still makes noise and some buffeting. Looks good mind

    The LV Decat helps as it hides the noise a bit
  10. Just in case anyone following this thread wants one, I have an MRA vario for sale. I have gone down the shorty route. Just send me a pm.
  11. Just back from France using a Puig short screen, plenty of wind noise but no buffetting going to experiment next with diverter flaps attached to front fairing as per bmw 1200gs, I'm getting to a point now where I think I can live with it. I've had a few adventure bikes and they all suffer from the same problem to varying degrees.
  12. My Pikes Peak came with both standard screen and of course the shorty carbon jobby. I did try the standard screen but (I know this is going to sound odd but...) I find the small carbon screen the quieter of the two. Of course it does not get you out of the wind but it does seem to help reduce a lot of turbulence/ buffeting. I do a lot of touring abroad and the last screen I expected to be using was the small carbon Pikes Peak screen but it is defo better than standard Mutley anyway.
  13. +1 for this. The carboon short screen is fine for me too
  14. OK, this has probably been asked a million times, and answered just as many, but I've searched and cannot find an answer so... here goes.... and apologies....

    Where can I buy a shorty carbon screen for my Mutley please?
  15. Either your local Ducati toy shop or they appear on ebay now and then plus there will almost certainly be people knocking out dodgy version on ebay and what the quality of these are like I could not say.
  16. Just a thought... I have also seen people cut down their standard screens to a similar size to the Pikes Peak screen.

  17. Thanks guys. I've had a look on FleaBay and there's none, so a call to Riders and a check on just how deep my pockets are might be in order.
  18. On ebay now, item number 221101042540. I've just bought a DP carbon tail guard(the bit with the built-in indicators) from this guy.
  19. I cut 6ins off mine as an experiment liked it so much that I bought the Puig sports screen as it looked better than my diy attempt
  20. Cheers mate, I saw that one, but it's smoked, not Carbon. Many thanks anyway.
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