I like woodchip (small particle version, not the half tree trunk stuff).........but painted white or nagmolia.
GLOSS! It's bloody awful. Get it on, it runs down the door an hour later! Half of it is sitting on the floor, now you need a new floor. Then you need new skirting. Just goes on and on.
House needs a bit done, not much............lovely wife asks, should draw up a list, a mean a list! I jumped in the car and disappeared for an hour. That discussion was just going nowhere!
Don't you take the door off its hinges and paint it flat on trestles? Solves most problems of that nature.
I bloody love wallpapering. If I could earn a living just hanging wallpaper I'd still be in the trade.
There are some rooms which look good with wallpaper, but they are very far and few between. It tends to look sad and out of date - depressing. But if you have a stately home it can work.