Bin Collection

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Evoarrow, Oct 18, 2014.

  1. Council proposing to collect the bin ONCE a month!

    Needn't bother at all at that rate.
  2. All that will do is create a fly-tipping problem : any half-wit can see that...
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  3. Burn all your rubbish in the back garden instead, that`ll teach `em. :upyeah:
  4. Get a petition organised or an on-line FB thing to Scottish their preposterous idea.
  5. When our council decided to collect fortnightly, I spoke to the person in charge to voice my concerns about possible pollution. She informed me that to comply with the law, they only needed to collect refuse once a year.
  6. I had to kill some maggots in my wheelie bin this summer. My bins live on the path beside the road, so every pisshead that walks past lobs their takeaways/Tennents Super in them, so the problem never goes away. The 'ordinary' bin only gets emptied fortnightly, hence the maggot problem.

    I didn't kill 'em all though, I put a few in a letter to the head of recycle at my local council offices...
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  7. Way to go Fig!:upyeah:
  8. I sent him some food waste a couple of years back. I reckon he's getting used to me now:upyeah:
  9. I didn't know you had opened a Barber shop Fig, how much is a cut?[​IMG]
  10. I'm ringing my solicitor right now:mad:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. Post a maggot. What a campaign.

    Now who would defend a maggot?
  12. I would. Have you considered that you can't just stick a maggot in a jiffy bag and sent it off. One has to take into consideration, the destination that you are sending said maggot to, the time that the package would take to get there, the weight of maggot to ensure that sufficient rotten food is included in the packet to keep it's body weight up to normal levels and the name and number of a good human rights lawyer to sue your arse off for putting the maggot in an inhumane situation in the first place.
  13. It probably died when I pushed the stamp onto the envelope anyway...
  14. I've had ongoing dealings with this guy at the council, he's probably sick to death of me now. At one point we had nine different receptacles we had to put out on different days, it was bloody ridiculous. I got a nasty message left by one of the binmen cos the lid on my wheelie bin wasn't fully shut - the fact it had been broken by probably the same binman wasn't recorded - and he refused to empty it. So I drove round to the council offices and parked it by his boss's desk.

    Soon time later they started forgetting to empty the food bin, so I parcelled up the waste and sent it to him. Made me chuckle like a cartoon baddie as I was doing it:D And a couple of years ago I left a virtually new crash helmet out on one of the bins; I bought it online and it didn't really fit, so I bagged and boxed it, put 'free to a good home' on the box and sat it on the bin. The binman grabbed it and drove off without emptying the bin...half past nine on a friday night the boss sent him back out to empty my bin, rather than find it on his in tray on Monday morning...
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. We are going to fortnightly rubbish collection
    Most have been issued black bins I don't have one because of steps typical!!
    Only allowed 4 rubbish bags out every fortnight
    Recycling gets collected in between
    I'm sure once that gets going it will become monthly then yearly
    The streets will start looking like a third world country soon
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. They limit the collection of rubbish but don't regulate packaging used by suppliers. (Who use excessive packaging to advertise their products and create an illusion of quality.)
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. We have 'bin' fortnightly for years - they stop the green bins (garden waste) next week until about May and all the fuking leaves are always still on my oak tree - bastard idiots.
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  18. My black bags are filled with packaging I can't recycle rather than food waste
  19. ours get picked p every week even tho we are a mile off the main road.
    must be due to our superior local government.
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  20. If the collection service was more reliable I'd be more inclined to make an effort to recycle properly.

    The binmen broke my food bin months back; I rung my friend at the council and he said just leave the bags out or wrap them in newspaper - which of course the binmen refused to collect because it wasn't in the right container:mad: Fucking idiots.

    So now it goes in the recycling bin, cos the other one only gets collected fortnightly. I've rung and emailed my friend to tell him this, but he insists I have to buy my own food bin even though his staff broke it. Every time I put the food in the recycling bin I email him to tell him. I reckon the emails are going straight to his spam folder:(

  21. I would buy a bin fig then they have no excuse to pick it up and go outside and watch them take it
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