
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Evoarrow, Oct 19, 2014.

  1. What is our purpose. Why are we here? Are we a cell within something?

    Not talking matrix, but are we here to look after humanity? Doubt it.
  2. This is like the West Lothian question.............Never gets answered
  3. Just a blip won't last long
  4. i was put here to keep the good people of oban mobile and release them from the drudgery of public transport. if we had any.
    practicing for the wee swally i am contemplating the night seeing as i am off the morra.
  5. I was placed here to atone for crimes in an earlier life. I think maybe I previously obliterated a fully populated solar system or something.
  6. We're here to continue the species (which is exactly the same reason for every other species in the universe). That is all. Everything else is just garnish. There is no greater meaning
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  7. sorry mat if you dont mind but the humans are talking. we will get back to you later.
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. There is no purpose, no grand design, no special role and no divine order. We are just an evolutionary accident and in time we will disappear.
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  9. Nature itself has and maintains a balance. I'm not so sure humans live within that balance
  10. Disappear, how and why?
  11. See your previous post.
  12. To drink, shag and ride bikes
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  13. I'll settle for that.
  14. If the population of China was to walk past you in single file, the line would never end due to the rate of reproduction.

    To be honest, I'd be fooled with a line of 30, they could just keep rejoining at the back.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  15. Hey guess what? If you're divorced or homosexual, God doesn't love you. At least that is what the Catholic Synod decided on Saturday. Bummer eh? Not that I am either but many people are. Who'd have thought it? "God is love" er... unless you play for the other team or were miserable in your marriage.

    So it seems that part of the answer to the OP's question is "not to revise your matrimonial decisions nor to grow up fancying your own sex". So as we are here to serve God, that makes it all a bit hopeless for some.

    Sorry about that.
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  16. nice use of the word "bummer" there.
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. I choose my words carefully.
  18. Who is more important, you or the billions of bacteria that you carry around ?
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