After having a great day at Brands Hatch I went back to my bike to head home and found that someone stole the end of my gear shifter, I thought bikers looked out for each other, not stole from each other!
Crappy thing to happen. You get wrong'uns in all walks of life, and "bikers" are no exception. Sorry for your loss.
There's no smoke without people lighting fires in public places whilst living there without permission.
Lets mount a posse... (in my country that would mean shagging an opossum...but im using the Americanism here)
Just because another human being rides a motorcycle and dons a helmet does not make him or her your blood brother or sister. I once live this deluded thought and was severely reprimanded when a mint LC was stolen from Matlock Bath, I even heard it going having just fitted Microns. As has already been stated, low life exists in EVERY echelon of society and not to sound too pessimistic, I always look 360 and not 180. I know you will feel like you have been let down, I did, but a lesson will have been learned at Brands. Thieves. Tossers! Cut their fingers off one by one I say!unch:
Was fairly sure these were a single piece, ie the whole pedal. If that was pinched, that's outrageous :Rage: