If Yorkshire was a country.....

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Aug 6, 2012.

  1. It'd be 10th in the Olympic medal table at this precise moment in time. Eight medals so far with four being gold!!

    Go Team Yorkshire!! :upyeah:

  2. Someone had to lead the way n show the shandy drinkin suvern pooftas how to do it! :eek::upyeah:
  3. Are you planning to declare independance like the Gallic neighbours north of the border then?:biggrin:
  4. I'm rather partial to your tea...Not that I've ever seen any tea fields in Yorkshire...:biggrin:
  5. Is there such a place as Yorkshire any more? I heard you can't even get on with each other, so now theres South Yorkshire and North Yorkshire etc but no Yorkshire.
    #5 blufoot, Aug 6, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2012
  6. Not if I have to wear a skirt :eek:
  7. Worried about showing your legs Anth?
  8. More worried about the middle leg hanging below the hem of the skirt :biggrin:
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  9. Not like that London then eh? :biggrin:
  10. What you mean North, South, West, East, Central and Greater London which is rest of UK? Bit like mini USA 5 states and the rest of the world ;)
  11. Chuffin ek
  12. Yorkshireman: "Ayup, lad, I need to talk to thee about me cat."

    Vet: "Is it a tom?"

    Yorkshireman: "Nay, I've browt it wi’ us
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  13. Well they need something to cheer them up.
  14. ooh don't talk to me in that Yorkshire speak you will make me go weak at the knees :)
  15. We're only good at games you sit down at.
  16. On Ilkley Moor bar t'at :wink:
  17. You've been told about going up there without your hat! :frown:
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  18. I'm more concerned about the inordinate number of Ginners winning medals.
  19. Imagine the amount of medals if 'whippet racing' was an olympic sport.
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  20. Is that Yorkshire-speak for: "In Ilkley, more bare twat" ?
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