Drink Driving / World Power

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by TTonup, Oct 21, 2014.

  1. today ( as some maybe aware ) the head, ( no , not some project manager, business executive or geological expert , etc etc,,, this was el chiefo, big banana, top cheese, ) of Total ( the French oil company ) le monsieur Christophe le Margerie was killed when his private jet was attempting take off from Moscow airport, unfortunatly a snow plough, driven by a drunken Russian, ploughed ( no pun intended ) into the jet killing all on board..( ok, many of us can appreciate that a full bottle of vodka may well be the best companion for a 12 hour night shift in -10 deg shift ),,, however tragic for all / any family friend involved this must raise the question of just what in this day of supposed American ( nato ) / European sanctions on Russia , ( potentially and practically economically damaging millions of European businesses from Scottish fishermen, polish apple growers, French cheese makers etc etc etc, tho not in any way affecting US commerce ) was a top oil magnate doing in Russia ??? while we are fed a news program of bionic men walking again and US / western funded and organised IS " terrorists " the real world goes on unhindered and unreported.........
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  2. I usually downvote these posts. Is this one of those types of posts?

    Wait. Has one of our posters turned into a bot? Is it contagious?

    Matt! Sort it!
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. A conspiracy
  4. Putin...
  5. Do Russians drink vodka?
  6. think first,, then jump,,:Banghead:
  7. I drunk rode a big bike once and only once. A GS750. After I nearly launched myself onto a railway, I parked it and walked the 5miles home. Never again.
  8. i am ashamed to say i did it once also, ripped about oban on my rd pissed no helmet nothing.thankfully no unwanted outcome.
    proper dumb ass.
  9. Putin...
  10. that's about as credible as most of the other rubbish spoken about him ,, I suggested " think ",, but that's your choice :confused:
  11. You know nothing of him, I do - was 'Putin' it in a Ukrainian Lawyer chick who knows him - lovely Boobies :Hungry: her, not Putin...
    It's credible alright. I don't get my info from the media like you do.
  12. Whole thing reads like an episode of the blacklist, drunk takes out oil magnate in a private jet with snow plough.

    "The wino"
    (No 141)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. ifo
  14. What happened there with your retort?
    Did the Kremlin intercept it :Wideyed:
    All in good humour - with a little truth mixed in from my side :p
  15. its not the kremlin that do the surveilence,,, retort ? the reply went a little astray,, prob in the white house by now. ( please see " click to expand " )
  16. my male order bride arrived from Russia last month

    In future I plan to read the fine print on the contract
    • Like Like x 1
  17. You mean you married a bloke and you can read Russian?

    You don't run an airport do you?
  18. Post properly next time - I know where it went and I also know it is very unlikely you know anyone who knows Putin - you don't have to pretend to impress, you just need a different car ;)
  19. nobody on here knows Putin. some may or may not of "done" someone that thinks they know putin. but i don't believe for one minute any one over here knows putin. :smile:. news papers suck stop buying them.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. no I don't need another car , nor do I need to name drop , nor do I seek to impress,,,, you wrong on all counts ..
    I was hoping for a little input as to why the American / nato led economic initiative which does not affect American commerce at all but is adversely affecting many European concerns is being ignored by the large multinational companys, eg the Frech oil co Total,,,,,,,, but hey ho,, wrong place, wrong time.. so lets try some puerile glib character jibes,, more suiting to some.....
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