The Serious Thread - Archaeology

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Sep 29, 2014.

    • Funny Funny x 1
  1. Yes, but they had all their subs on the pitch at the same time which is frankly not on. Bloody Italians.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. We must have been startled by their glamorous clothing, cos in a straight fist fight I can safely predict the eyties would have come off second best. The only reason the sweaties got away with it is because...well, look at the weather, who'd wanna go there..?
  3. Moved on a bit from Archaeology have we ?
  4. Seriously?
  5. You can't be serious
  6. Why have you dug up this old thread?
  7. It's all about the soundbite these days, no attention spa...Ooh, is that J-Lo's arse? Back in a bit...
  8. Loads of old fossils to be found
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. You could be right. And the fact that the Vikings were running Sockland already and the wops didn't fancy too much of that.
    Interestingly the Vikings didn't make it south of Watford. We southerners won't stand for their sort of nonsense and we sent the buggers packing. That's why to this day, northerners pee in the bath and have funny accents.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. Nothing wrong with peeing in the bath if you've pulled the plug :D
  11. I'm finding it hard to understand why anyone would want to invade Jockistan.
  12. saying that, looking out the window right now i could think of 21 reasons to move away.Brr.
    always fancied Cornwall.
  13. I didn't even know the Vikings had mountain bikes:eek:
  14. I should keep that under your hat/Tam o'Shanter. Scotland's like that because everyone hasn't moved there. If everyone does you'll be left with a colder and wetter, overcrowded, concrete covered, sodium lit England.

    Tell the world Scotland is cold, wet and miserable, the locals are pissed and aggressive, all the widlife's been shot, nothing's open on a Sunday, the roads are rutted donkey tracks and that's the way we like it so feck off.
    That should do the trick.
    And for heaven's sake don't publish pictures like this:

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  15. v,true even on days like this. one day like that and it all becomes worth it.
  16. Seilebost on the Isle of Harris. Awful place. Don't go there.
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