Made my left hand frame seat rail - the RH is proving tricky due to the asymmetrical main frame tubes so given up until tomorrow - if in doubt walk away and sleep on it... I googled how to spell asymmetrical and this came up, just can't get away from them every where I turn!!! :Wideyed:
I've spent half the day in a meeting with a potential client and the other half developing our company interface with social media. What fun
Had a battle repairing a tablet PC with one of the two most difficult people I have ever had to deal with ... and who just happened to be sitting next to the other most difficult person I have ever had to deal with. They were sniping at each other, one of them was sniping at me, the other was talking incessantly plus the individual providing my tech support on the other end of the telephone was a stupid as a sock. One hour into the site visit, I was ready to commit crimes. Two hours into the site visit, I was ready to start screaming. What I mean is : I was ready. To start. Screaming. I cannot recall a harder, grottier, more surreally stupid, aggravating and soul-destroying week at work and that was before Friday hit the fan. FML.
still in negotiations to get me peg back, i want it for jack he wont sell it for jack. might have to pull another wire somewhere and fix it for free again.
Good day for our offspring. Daughter is after a particular house where she lives, owner just gone into a care home, after faffing with estates agents the Son has asked if they are still interested. Looking promising. And our son who finished Uni in July got a job in his subject (computing) on his second interview, applied for couple of hundred though!
You were not the one at the phone, he was at you house going by your previous post, your the 'most difficult person I have ever had to deal with' from his story are you not? :smile:
Today I opened four birthday cards and yes they were for me. 62 and wondering how much longer I will be riding the 748 in relative comfort. Steve