Protection Equipment Advise

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by matt#corse, Oct 24, 2014.

  1. Thought id throw this one out there as see lots of advise on many subjects as these biker forums seem to have a wide knowledge base.

    This one is probably for any serving or ex military ,police officers,prison officers or community wardens (if they haven't all been axed due to cuts) etc who may frequent this forum.

    My question is are there any companies you would highly recommend for personal protection equipment.I don't mind going towards the higher end budget for the right products.Dont really fancy cheep ones on ebay for some reason on this one lol.

    Found one on youtube that is home office certified but if anyone has personal experience of using this equipment id appreciate your advise.The less bulky and hot the better but still offering the higher end for protection hense I expect to pay a little more for the best.

    Feel free to respond via pm if you prefer.
  2. A brain, issued free at birth. Use it to maximum capacity and avoid threatening situations. Alternatively, find a CPSO who is willing to lose their stab protection in exchange for a pint of worthington's best bitter.
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  3. have you pi$$ed someone off ??
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  4. Unfortunately my next job will lead to violent situations for sure again only things are even worse than last time I did this line of work.Its either that or no job so fuck it ill just have to swallow for now.

    Hopefully only temporary.

    Anyway im guessing home office approved is decent kit but also down to budget.Just wondering if there are better alternative companies with better quality products but not used by say home office due to higher price.
  5. Given the opportunity, I would forget the vest unless it was a ballistic one and add this to the kit........;)

    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. From last time I worked in security sector I was under the impression you could have one or the other ie stab proof or ballistic type.

    The cops ones (stab proof I presume) seem to be very bulky but then they have more kit to attach so looking for something more covert and less restrictive.

    I could have done with the above Arquebus last time I was working but already fell foul of the laws that be protecting myself so will try not to make the same mistake again.Ie get caught lol.
  7. Call that a gun............

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  8. In which case get yourself a 10 gauge Ithaca.......perfectly legal on an ordinary SG cert, if the barrel is 24" long.
  9. It seems from a bit of digging around PPSS and Vest guard keep getting good recommendations. £400, £600 and £800 depending on spec.I guess its not bad compared to top of the range biking gear.

    Seems like as with everything you get what you pay for as £800 gets you ballistic,slash,stab and needle protection.
  10. I hope youre getting well paid for this shit,Matt.
  11. I wish.Employers know its hard times out there so wages aint great.Still with Christmas on the way and regular work slow another job is welcome.

    Oh well at least it will pay for a specialist rope course for a job a good friend has lined up for me in the new year.
  12. Tight rope walker?
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  13. Thankfully not as he works on rigs in dry dock in Scotland.Sounds nicer than working in gangsters paradise ie Wolverhampton.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. Your employer will have to provide you with PPE, it's the law.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  15. My employer must think my white cotton shirt and black clip on tie is all the PPE required.Some things never change eh.

    I might ask though and see if he can claim it back.If not I will also look if I can claim back money spent on personal PPE for work.If left to employer it will probably be low budget shit.

    Ps my friend working on rigs in Scotland has spent a fair bit on all his own kit for rope work.Same for military lads I know that always had to buy there own if they wanted the decent stuff.

    These PPSS guys deffo stand behind there products.Im amazed its only 6mm thick and very lightweight.

    #15 matt#corse, Oct 24, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2014
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  16. You could always test each vest like they indicated in 'The Business'..............
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  17. "Did someone order a cunt as ones just turned up" one of my fav's funny lines.Class film but they need to do a midlands version so I don't have to listen to all them sarf landan cardboard cut out cants giving it that apples and pears bollox.

    The rise of the foot soldier was very true of my old team I worked with back in the day.Great days with great lads that would put going home in one piece and backing you up 100% before any law or the threat of loosing there stupid SIA badge.
    #17 matt#corse, Oct 25, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2014
  18. Had ballistic and stab, they used to have 2 types of ballistic level 1 & 2 had both 1 would stop less than 3 ft the other over 4 ft. Then stab was different. Had level 1. It depends on your requirement. Blades seem more predominant than firearms. Ballistic heavy weight stab far less. Depends on the situation for you.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  19. You should be able to claim against your personal tax allowance for work related kit, but means you just pay less (I.e. You are rebated the tax on the value of it - usually they add it to your tax free allowance, iirc).

    This place seem to do discounted gear, but can't confirm if cheap, dear, etc Polimil - Police Equipment, Military Boots, Security & Army Clothing

    Good luck, and stay safe.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  20. I have used don't always get what you think you have ordered.....
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