After having my PP in bits all week I finally went to fit the Sat Nav. It warned me that I needed to update it. Plugged in the USB, let it do it's My Sumo660 says "No System Software"..grrrrrr. Googled it....OMG now Im pissed. Anyway went to Boxhill late, found myself as Billy No mates. Then went to Newlands met Chris....went back to his so he could get his elephant then blasted to Loomies (thought it was the last day...but that's tomorrow). Nice ride out.
Managed to do a few paces in the house without using my walking sticks.Mrs Mervyn is so pleased I can now help/hinder her in making dinner.
Just picked my spangle wheels up form FE's hotel in York - they're fab, cheers Andy, hope you enjoy my City!
Just getting back to riding after broken leg, tyre punctured and fully deflated within 30m while riding through Bedford. Made a tear in the middle of the tread about 4cm long, a really sharp piece of Flint looking stone! Would not happen again if I rode over it a thousand times.
1st beat of the year ! Weather great then for a beer which turned into 4 now in the dog house ! Life's great
I went to a 90th birthday party for my next door neighbours dad. Set off £200 worth of fireworks that were spectacular and lasted 5 minutes. Had a beautiful meal and a few glasses of wine. And now I'm laid in bed waiting for swmbo to come home after she's helped tidy up next door. It's been a good night.
I just received an email from FP Performance about my custom Galfer Superbike Rotors...they just have been recut & now they will be sent out for cryo treatment, also the rear is getting recut! Fronts
Just bought these on Ebay for KR1000 No 2 - Brand Spangley New and very yummie too (trouble is I have a winning bid of £200 on some Gilles ones finishing in a few hours and I don't want them now
Yep, typical - if I wanted them I would have been outbid - but I won the Gilles ones too I feel an opinion poll coming on but I will decide when I have them both I guess!