The democratically elected cabinet office decides to send in the military; not the military... I suppose that it might be better to wait till IS are approaching Dover before we do anything??
Supporting our soldiers? I seem to remember that I was a very wet billy no mates on the 285 mile return trip on 2014 ride to the wall. My "who wants to ride" post went unanswered, so I went with a load of hardly able to's. Ducati was not well represented in the numbers at the wall. If I counted 10 I may have counted some twice? Thank you to all the triumph and BMW riders who made nice comments about seeing a wet ducati.
from what I remember " our" democratically elected cabinet took us illegally into the war which started the latest round of warfare,,, without the willing trigger finger there would have been no illegal invasion,, no war ,, no waste land to fill with western funded , supported and organised fighters..
From what I can remember, the Iraqi PM asked us to help battle IS in Iraq by providing air strikes. Parliament debated the issue, agreed to the request, and we obliged...
You do know Afghanistan and Iraq are two different places separated by about 2000 Km don't you? or is that just what "They" want us to think?
To be honest it is clear he either doesn't know what he is talking about, or is just posting ridiculous comments through boredom. He says he's non patriotic too (unless that just because he's Scottish) so why does he even have a view. He doesn't have a bike licence, owns an Audi TT and posts pictures of it in the Albums section of a Ducati Forum with a picture of himself stood on a Pallet - I thought the quote regarding his pictures a little harsh - but what is he doing here, you have to question his sanity
I think you will find that the Iraqi people have since given him the heave ho as his governments level of corruption was totally unacceptable,,, as a direct consequence of our " heros " destruction of civilisation in Iraqi there are an average of 30 odd civilians being killed on a daily basis now in Iraq,, I think I know what the opinion of our " heros " will now be , in reality it is the Iranian army who have been curtailing the progress of IS.
exige you seem to have confused my post with someone else's? Yep Iraq and Afghanistan are currently separate countries; and will hopefully remain so; unless of course IS get their way...
perhaps you could put some thing of substance into you post regarding the issue rather than your idiotic attempts at character assignation and puerile jibs,, but prob expecting too much from a thick Yorkie, but I guess that is all that you have,,,,, I joined this forum to get some info on a bike which I intend to buy in due course, ( if that any of your business ).