Watched a Beeby programme and there are planets like earth, so aliens do exist.......I knew it! We still didn't go to the moon!
was that Human Universe? it was brilliant this week Come on, how could we have footage of the Soup Dragon if we haven't been to the moon?
Yep, Coxy's programme. Interesting but difficult to get into the scale of the Universe. Someday, in several generations, they will be able to look further. Alien intelligence can't be any further advanced than ours, otherwise wouldn't they have already made contact, may be they have! I remember the line in the film Contact, a kid asked was there aliens and the response was something along the lines of, if not, it would be an awful waste of space. Kubrick was involved in the photography of the so called 'moon landings'
Because the soup dragon is a native along with the clangers - also the film crew were clangers. Everything is explainable...
And another thing, they didn't live on the moon but on a small, hollow planet, far, far away :Finger:
The arrogance of people who think that we are the height of the evolutionary scale and those who think there can't be life on other planets always astounds me.
Physicists reckon there are over 100 billion galaxies each containing one hundred billion stars. Are we alone ? Nah, I don't think so. Plus, if there universe is endless, it could be that there's another me on another planet replying to this thread and another you reading it.
I didn't see the programme but Dr Cox was quoted in a newspaper as saying that he believed we are alone in the universe and that we therefore have a duty to try to expand beyond our world and ensure the survival of our species. As if we haven't done enough damage already in this world. Now we have a moral duty to go and destroy somewhere else as well. Maybe other intelligent life in the universe is so elusive because it is avoiding us. Perhaps our world is in quarantine in a sterile region of the cosmos where the most destructive life form in the universe can be contained until it dies out.