Official... Goodwood Sunday 2nd Nov..v Engines Meet

Discussion in 'Rideouts & Events' started by AirCon, Oct 26, 2014.

  1. So if anyone knows someone with a V cylinder engine then get them to come down next Sunday.
    So shall I bring the R32 or the 998s or the Multstradas?
    Don't have the Lister anymore :(
  2. I could take along an evolution of the original design from back in 1915 before your (VW) young pretender came along and copied the idea after the original patent expired? :p
    • Like Like x 1
  3. I'm trying to get all mine (current set) there.

    Oh and my e240 Merc aka the private ambulance?
  4. do 4.2 v8 turbo's count?
  5. So is anyone going to this tomorrow?
  6. Weather forecast isn't good and I've been in bed for the last 3 days feeling very sorry for myself. Splitting headaches and sinuses full of green stuff so probably not the best way to get better. Shame because the last 3 breakfast clubs have had something from my (better) past that I have enjoyed. Andy
  7. I'm not going. Weather is going to be bad and I don't want to take a car.
  8. I will not make it either... just fitted some gilles bars and after 3 hours of fitting and drilling found that the brake line fouls the fairing, so cannot ride the bike. Going to get some venhill lines Monday morning.:Banghead:
  9. I am definitely out Phil but not bothered about this venue now judging by reaction due to weather - might do Bury or Devil's Punchbowl but will be via B*x.
  10. Do L twins count too?
  11. Just a weather update for all, it's wet and raining here(5miles from Goodwood) and forecast is for more heavy rain showers on the way. I won't be going to this one. [​IMG]
    • Thanks Thanks x 3
  12. It is not just the rain..... there are very high winds down here too :(.
    Sad finish for the Breakfast Clubs this year.
  13. Sue...... take the car instead.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. That wind had a freak 5mins and tore off a road works sign outside our house and snapped a For Sale/Sold board in half a few doors down. Would've been interesting if on a motorbike. Calmed down now but sad end to the Breakfast Club for this year.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  15. Bright sunshine in York yesterday and today - yesterday hit 18 degrees today is looking similar :p
  16. Stormy clouds rolling over on the south coast, rain seems to have passed but gusty winds still, was windy yesterday too, coming straight in off the sea. I'm off to Bury/Whiteways now.

  17. Which Lister....???????
  18. To the left?
  19. [​IMG]

    Not my actual car, but same colour and I had split BBS rims.
    • Like Like x 1
  20. Got any phots of your R32? I've had a few of those over the years for drifting.

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