Drink Driving Limit Halfed In Scotland.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by finm, Oct 24, 2014.

  1. This is the discourse of the quasi teetotal. Like you have one glass of wine, become completely incapable and plough into the nearest family.

    Maybe if you are quasi teetotal, you do. If you drink wine remotely regularly, you don't even notice a glass of wine (at least in the evening as far I am concerned, maybe at midday it's different - but I don't drink in the daytime).
  2. I don't ride bikes. Bikers speed and crash. People die in crashes. Ergo bikers kill people. Ban bikes
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  3. op doesnt have anything to do with when you drink,only wether you drive just after.

    bikes will never be banned,mind i suspect they will all become bland plastic jellymoulds controlled by computers one day.
    oh wait......

    cmon chaps,;) i was always impressed with the intelligent rethoric shown in this forum,you are surely better than getting upset and wandering off into the inane playground conjecture and paranoid fantasies and eastenders scripts..
    simply sticking fingers in ears and going lalala isnt an option

    yes i am biased.sorry.
    having been mown down ,having my bike cut in half and ending up in hospital because a gent,lost control of his car on a bend and veered across into my roadspace.
    he was under the limit,yet could hardly make coherrant speech.
    mind he was probably also out of puff having legged it while leaving me smashed to bits in the road.
    hed just had couple glasses of sherrys at the golf club according to the statements.
    come to think of it,im completely biased actually.
    they didnt ban all cars because of it.

    tbh this thread is dead now and i cant be bothered to keep posting same old,if one doesnt like opposite opinions to your own then the internet will probably end with you having a heart attack or something as its full of humans with an equal right to voice their own.
    me,i take them all with a pinch of salt,taking note of stuff i find interesting and discarding all else,just discard my opinion and wobble off into the sunset,im sure all will be fine.

    im not baiting you either,ive seen a few threads where this happens but i left school a looong time ago,not my area of expertise im afraid and i dont get thrills from upsetting people.
    you can simply add me to your ignore list and then you can only read opinions that are exact same as your own and keep your blood pressure down.
    sherries good for that as well apparently.wine not so good,obviously.

  4. Well if we can't reach agreement on what the limit should be, I'm sure everyone can agree that wherever the legal limit is set, the law is pointless unless it is enforced. The problem with drink-driving is that very often the law can only be enforced when it is too late and an accident has already occurred. How to make drink-driving law preventative as much as punitive is the challenge. I don't like the idea of inbuilt breathalysers in vehicles which require the driver/rider to pass a breath test before the engine will start, but I can see it coming. The only alternative that I can think off is encouraging drivers to test themselves and making the penalties much more severe for those who choose to break the law anyway. But even that, I suspect, isn't going to stop dependent alcoholics.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Like I said No limit and make the punishment massively outweigh the action.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  6. People know Gimlet; one drink and you are probably OK, any more and you run the risk of failing a test and everything that entails.

    Drinking and driving beyond that one drink is now socially unacceptable.

    The problem, as you rightly point out, is dependent alcoholics who would ignore the new limits anyway.
  7. So what should stop peolpe D&D. The risk of capture, the threat of punishment or the fact you could kill yourself or someone else if you have too much

    And is a glass of Asda's finest vintage £3.99 pinot going to be the same from an alcohol content perspective as Jacobs Creek or one of those posh Pinot's Cranker swigs?

    I think some are missing the main point why this is an issue. Many, me included, have one beer or small glass or whatever knowing it highly unlikley a) it will impair my ability to function well enough to not become the homicidal maniac you clearly beome when you have 3 beers according to some posters and b) it is very very unlikley to cause an issue if stopped when I pick the chinese up to drive it home

    One glass...may as well be none. Some of you killjoys and enjoyment takers probably like that
    • Like Like x 1
  8. I agree this is the case at the moment. Scotland has a very bad relationship with alcohol. This is one part of trying to change that. Another being the minimum price for alcohol. It seems to me the ScoGov is aligning Scotland's drink drive limits with European limits to move even one drink being socially unacceptable.
  9. I'm getting increasingly fed up with todays politics of "it may have caused" and therefore " we will change".This takes away any self ability to recognise and take into account and self monitor,in short,playing down to the lowest common denominator.Are folks on here really suggesting that someone who has not caused an RTI but now on these lower levels may be found to be over the new limit are as dangerous as someone who has caused and RTI and is under the new limits because they are just bad drivers.Has anyone on here not watched the TV where the scrotes who have TWOC, failed to stop,have no licence,obviously no insurance,drive dangerously,try to decamp and do a runner and get a ridiculous tariff in comparison??
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. TWOC wtf is that
  11. Its a form of a takeaway.........

  12. Google is your friend....
  13. just out of interest, how would you feel if a pilot had 79mg in his or hers blood during a flight?
  14. I might not feel a thing if it's all over quickly.

    BTW Fin, is the halving of drink-drive limits affecting your business? Must be difficult to legally drive the car to your garage now.
  15. dont drink mid week (usually).
  16. I meant your customers.

    "Mid week"? You mean, Wednesdays?
  17. don't really see it anymore, when i lived up north of fort bill and working a bar not that unusual.
    again not judging anyone, i was no angel.
  18. If he was a good pilot,it wouldn't bother me at all.However if the pilot was completely sober but a bad one,that would bother me.
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