
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Evoarrow, Nov 4, 2014.

  1. that time of year
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  2. had it last night. v.nice it was to.
    it's about the only thing the wife can cook.
  3. when making stew, I don't know how my wife copes without the kitchen staff .

    I say staff, but really it's a big stick which she uses to beat me if I don't peel the spuds
  4. My gran made lovely beef stew...mmmm...god rest her soul....she'd also dump some pork suasages in and they were tastey. wifey makes a nice stew too. Yummy...i like stew. I love suet dumplings too....mmmstew....
  5. I'm not a lover of stew or casseroles. I prefer food that's not swathed in gunk :)
  6. pasta and tomato sauce?
  7. dont forget bloody cheese. the italians shove melted cheese on everything.

    Besides its not 'gunk'. its gravy and juices...mmm....slobber...
  8. But just a hint of sauce/salsa
  9. ram it. give me the melted fat from a cows ass any day. food of the gods.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. A minute on the lips a lifetime on the belly

  11. Yes please :)
  12. Stewing steak, shin?
  13. Rabbit stew. The best chicken stock, a splash of white wine and herby dumplings.
    Or beef in stout with crunchy French stick croutons bobbing on top. And yes, shin of beef.
  14. I come from the affluent south, so there's no need to suffer the ignominy of having to eat pigs' feet and the like dipped in lard. It's only the best for the likes of us.

    Right, I'm off down KFC...
  15. for some jellied ells?
  16. Fucking hungry now. Thanks a bunch.
  17. Pot roast and Lancashire hotpot were regular winter fare as a kid - time to get the slow cooker out :)
    • Like Like x 1
  18. Oh yes. Lancashire hotpot with lots of pepper and crunchy sliced taters on top...
  19. not if you put some graft in.
    oh i forgot you work for tesco. when your not on holiday. :smile:
    • Like Like x 1
  20. Mmmmm chicken tikka pasta bake cooking here
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