mr generosity me, but ffs. stinks of seventy's union pish. and besides i didn't even make 50k last year no holidays and deffo no holiday pay. fuging over time on holiday pay :Wtf:. i dont even get a freekin holiday. makes me mad. did i mention i don't even get a holiday. cocks. let them try.unch:.
Tbh saw this and my wife and I are in agreement, we will pay overtime to our staff and apply it retrospectively for the past 9 years trading. For the 2 directors
i take it you guys don't employ anyone. time to get some zero hours contracts made up me thinks. overtime on holiday what a crock of sh.t.
You have my sympathy, we don't actually employ anyone else anymore. We did employ 3 staff, they went when we realised that the income generated by them over all was swallowed by pay, co car, bupa and pension. I then left my employment and joined the company.i did hear they want to cut down on zero hours contracts. This will cripple small businesses. So a judge found in favour with no thought to the consequences of small businesses. V easy I guess when you reside in an ivory tower. Anyone who works understands that O/T is a bonus. I shudder to think how the NHS, Police etc are going to cope.
Sure you will add the costs onto the customer . Hire a few girls and watch the maternity money eat the profits.
Welcome to reality. Just one example of liberal social ideals running smack into the brick wall of economic reality. If Scotland is determined to pursue a socialist future this is the tip of the iceberg.
Employ some more staff to cover the shortfall in man hours you have. Oh hang on, that means more holiday, NI and other payments you have to make. Now where's that cake?
Surely it'll just mean the end of paid overtime? In the article I read it said that only 1 in 6 get paid overtime. That means 5 in 6 don't, and I can't believe they all don't do extra hours. I haven't been paid overtime for years and can't remember the last time I did "contracted hours". No such thing as a 9 to 5 job these days. So in my opinion the Unions may have shot themselves in the foot on this one. It'll also push more businesses into paying piece rate rather than hourly rate, which will enable more workers to be self employed which will reduce income tax, NI etc. collected and lower declared earnings all round.
So far in the past 24 hours you have admitted to being 1/2 English and having had syphilis, any other true confessions you wish to make or is the thought of handing over more cash turning your brain to mush or is that a consequence of the STD?
In low paid work, where I suspect this is targeted, many supplement their normal income with OT. So taking a hol becomes even more expensive. Ironically, how will this affect higher paid workers? Police? Doctors? Roadside patrols? All earn way above minimum wage and can supplement a large sum in OT