I got the notice requesting me to confirm who was the driver at the time so intended prosecution. Not that lucky. I hate those forms as they do not have option to tick not guilty so it is in essence admittance of guilt something not right there.
some of the advise is sound, but they have no power. If you've been caught, you've been caught be it parking, speeding, using your phone. Its only very rarely you'll find a technicality
When I was teaching (which is, admittedly, a few years ago) red meant "stop", amber meant "stop, unless it is unsafe to do so or doing so may cause an accident". You could try that as a defence if you decide to contest the ticket - depending on how close you think you were to the light when it changed. If I'm driving in Plymouth the first thing I do when the light goes amber is check the rear-view mirror : ever try to stop on an amber light and you'll get driven into from behind ! It's amazing how many people jump lights, and expect the car in front to do the same...
stating the obvious here but the fact that there is an amber 'interim' warning at all shows that we are all banged to rights for going through a red aren't we? Unless of course :- your brakes failed/you were hit from behind/there was diesel on the road for example.
I did not know I was speeding? Did you see me? What JR said below before you stop you make clear it is safe to do so. Yes plead not guilty would be beneficial then on such form. In my case there was nothing behind me but it was pissing wet and road surface close to junctions is never the best. When I grabbed brakes properly I realised anything more and I am off or well on verge of being off so decided safer not to do it and go past. No other cars were moving at the time at all.
You are right we are. Sadly that means if it is middle of the night and try to stop, hit diesel decide to release brakes to not come off go over red and get fined is undisputable.
If you are saying there was diesel (but sadly you will have to prove it) then there is a glimmer of hope but reading thread I didn't see you mention it until now..
Advise a degree of caution here, people have been prosecuted for suggesting ways to pervert the course... Not saying that is anyone's intent of course.
Frankly there is nothing one could prove on red light if you think about it until you have an accident. If you brake someone rear ends you ok, if you brake and crash due to road surface you should be ok. If you start doing above and then decide to run red to not get rear ended, crash it will be you against them.
goes without saying ^ mitigating circumstances are just that - solid proof is always needed, you already know that..
Simply, if you couldn't stop in time given the conditions that's without due care and attention isn't it?!
Sorry @Lucazade . I'd just accept the 3 points and move on. Ultimately if you couldn't stop for the lights changing because of the conditions, you were travelling too fast in the conditions. Better to go through a red light and get 3 points than be done for careless/dangerous driving
Well that one is a bit of rubbish, if not a lot. There are situations where road conditions, I mean bad state of road, will surprise you as they are not visible due to leaves, standing water or other traffic. Frankly a spill of diesel, mentioned already, in the dark and you would not see it till you run over it. If you had to stop you would not be able to so no cannot agree with your opinion.