Report Box

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Roadtrip, Nov 5, 2014.

  1. Is it just me or does every post have the word report in a small box, not seen it before.
  2. It's just you.

    (post reported)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. Must be just me then :Walkingdead::Walkingdead::Walkingdead:

    And now i have flashing green spots in the corner and Loz has one.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. nope,, but the user bar is covering the first few lines of most recent post ! didn't used to
  5. Now TTonup has a green spot :Wideyed:
  6. Green flashing lights and a report box!! have you been drinking?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. It's the new UI.X....if it's new technology from Ducati we are all Furkled.
  8. If i have it was a cheap round.

    All got them in the avatar's, there green and flashing :Doctor::Doctor::Doctor::Doctor:
  9. Green spots have always been there on tapatalk
    It let's you know your online I believe or available oh hang on that's a red spot :)
  10. Green spots are new never seen it before, your flashing now.
  11. No flashing here please
  12. Just logged into the forum and I can see the green light flashing now
    That's handy I will no when Loz Exige etc are on and I can avoid them ;):Kiss::Kiss::p
  13. Its not just me then :Smug:
    Going to have that drink now
    • Like Like x 1
  14. Just admiring DB's amazing green flashing nipple ...

    Uh, carry on folks!
    • Funny Funny x 1

  15. Your sane enjoy your drink :)
  16. Keep thinking i am on a ship watching the radar signal
  17. Its part of the new system upgrade. The flashing green icon shows who's online and the boxes at the bottom allow quicker functionality, but I think they were there before anyway
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