So A Red Light Thingi

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Lucazade, Nov 4, 2014.

  1. I know but want to minimise the pay up, is there something like red light awareness scheme ;)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. never has :Banghead: been more applicable..
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  3. Lol try the red light district I'm sure there must be awareness there just minimise your risk and stay safe :)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. "Defence" and "mitigation" are two different things, as I'm sure those of a legal persuasion will tell you...
    You are guilty - you did run the red light. You might be able to make a case that you have mitigation - bad weather, road conditions etc. The problem will be that taking it to court to plead your mitigation will probably cost more than the fine. Win / win for the system, lose / lose for you, unfortunately...
  5. FFS don't let @Pete1950 see this...the internet will run out of 1 & 0's before tea time.
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  6. Unfortunately it was 4am and wet and Luca thought he would get away with it at that time of day ;)
  7. Oj Red light is about the only rule I obey 99% of the time, next one after that is always check before zipping up 98%. Rest is between 1 and 30%
  8. 'the rain was wetter than usual'
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  9. No never blame it on act of good, blame it on act of low tier politician from opposition :D

  10. I think any court would take that, if he said it, as a confession. Not driving to the conditions.....

    I am not a lawyer, but I am not sure that is really mitigation-"I was going too fast for the road conditions to be physically able obey the road laws of the country"
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. That would not be a defence, nor a mitigation. It would be a confession of guilt to a more serious offence.
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  12. Which , i think, is what i the first sentence
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. Uhh Pete is here :)
  14. Quick save some 1 & 0s before the internet runs out of them!
  15. And what I said ages ago...without due care and attention. Try arguing you couldnt stop when you plough an old lady over
    • Nuke Post Nuke Post x 1
  16. pretty sure i said it first.
    you is going down. lucz.
  17. So, a hypothetical, but realistic scenario is this:
    At night, you are travelling within the speed limit, approach a set of lights, you slow down in anticipation of a change of status, the lights turn amber, you apply brakes, discover that the road surface has less grip than you thought, you determine you cannot stop in time, keep going as the safest option, you cross the red light and the winner is, "Driving without due care and attention"?

    Really? Seriously? Is there anyone here from Earth? Put your hand up!

    You can argue this until you are blue in the face but the reality is, this situation could happen and it wouldn't be entirely your fault - as in, it wouldn't be entirely within your control. The decision to stop on amber is a grey area, there is no hard and fast rule, as in "at this distance from the stop line, you must stop when the light turns amber". Situationally, you could be doing things right and still get it wrong.

    You may now start telling me all about "travelling at a speed in accordance with conditions", seeing in the dark and leaping tall buildings in a single bound. I promise to be entertained.
  18. Tell it to the judge
  19. Exactly. Best of luck, too.
  20. Wouldn't it be refreshing fir someone to just say 'my fault' rather than excuses and trying to find others to blame
    • Agree Agree x 1
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