The Euromillions jackpot is currently standing at £151,000,000, normally don't bother with such things, but £151,000,000 is a lot of reasons to buy a ticket. Feeling lucky? Well are ya? I'm not even going to speculate as to what I would do with the money if I won, that's just ridiculous. But I'm going to buy a ticket.
I was just about to, when the friend I was with said "you've got more chance of being run over walking out of this shop than winning that jackpot". I immediately could see he was right, and also thought that there was very little chance of my getting run over in a small village with almost no traffic. So I saved CHF 3 and didn't buy a ticket. To see how winning money on Euromillions can make you very miserable, read this: How to win on the lottery and be miserable - The Glidd of Glood Blog
I'm stuffed as when the lottery started I did the same numbers. I now can't stop as if my numbers ever come up I'd kick myself! I can only dream about the cars/bikes I'd have in my garage if money was no option. Bugger, looks like I'll be joining the stupid people again next week!
My father in law worked with a bloke who did the same numbers in the lottery every week. One week they came up. But then he found that he'd forgotten to buy his ticket that week. He suffered a nervous breakdown and was off work for months. My father in law found this highly amusing.
I read somewhere that you have better odds in predicting the date and time of your death. I sick £1 a week on the national lottery and when the Euromillions gets to a silly amount I stick a few quid on that too. I just do lucky dips. £151m is some serious wedge, you'd have to do as much good with the money as possible.
I just couldn't comprehend what I would do with that amount of money, I'd certainly donate a lot to charity, I'd buy your dog off you Paul to save it from the continued humility and pay for you to grow to a normal adult size :smile: Maybe run a MotoGP team who knows?
Moons ago we had another lottery in Poland. In essence they were drawing 20 numbers from pot 1 to 80 while you were selecting 10 numbers. So chances of winning where the same as any other for jackpot. However we have quickly worked out that you could play a system and people lived off it. Drawing 5 numbers out of your 10 would pay you monthly average salary. System was simple you select 20 numbers from group of 1 to 80 and do all combinations of those numbers, minus option for repeating numbers and same numbers in different order. You quite often got 5 numbers in it out of 10. Out of 20 it was even more possible and if you did get 5 numbers out of 20 it meant you had multiple hits for 5, 4 and 3 where all paid. That lottery lasted all about 3 years in total and only 1 year after system was discovered as everyone plaid it
Don't you just hate those e-mails? "We have some news about your lotto ticket!" You get all excited, log on and it's a flippin' tenner! Still, better than a wasp up the arse I suppose...
I do just the same. I know the odds to win are stacked against me, but, some one wins .... and my odds to win, are just the same as theirs. Hence, I play every week.
I wouldn't know what to do with all that money, although I'm sure I could make quite a dent in it! Apart from the obvious new bikes etc, there are quite a few people who have been brilliant mates who would have to be treated to something special, and there's a whole world out there that I would love to see. And next door has just put their bungalow up for sale and it would make a wonderful mancave.