The gritters rolled out last night in Oxfordshire. If anyone's local, they have a very good website which lets you know when you might be shot-blasted: Salting, gritting and snow clearance | Oxfordshire County Council
Think poss out in Essex / Suffolk also - now thinking twice about whether or not to go out until some rain cleans the roads
Marvelous, they are out gritting, AKA wasting the resources in both materials and overtime ( here's a surprise, gritting isn't a full time job), then if we get a prolonged winter they'll be making the news with the lack of available salt. I'm afraid that because it's so easy to claim against individuals or corporations the people in charge are scared witless about being sued if they don't spread the corrosive crap at the merest hint of a ground frost.
Think you're right. I understand putting it down when it's needed...but Wednesday it got "cold" for a few hours! I know there are those that berate these posts (ie ride ya bike and don't be so precious about it), but I don't really wanna ride for an hour or so and then spend twice as long cleaning it! Hands up I ponce over my bike way too much, but that's just me and that crap is not only corrosive, but also slippery as hell! There, rant over