Hi all, I am about to buy my first ducati, a 2005 999 with 8000mls. I've only seen pics of it as its 250mls from me. I'm going to pick it up tomorrow and would appreciate advice from you guys as what I should check for to ensure I'm not buying a shed, cosmetically, it looks fine in the pics. Thanks
hi,, been looking at these myself tho the 749 as opposed to the 999,, I can not help reg the mechanicals apart from the obvious belts and servise history but on the cosmetic side some seem to have a problem with engine paint flaking off and the front stanchions piting, maybe worth a check,, enjoy mate..
Thanks for your replies , cant wait to pick it up....hope its a good un and look forward to a bit of banter on this forum. By the way wroughtironron...I like the old staffie pic, got one myself....bless him:Happy:
Welcome. Did much the same as you....travelled and bought. 1. check if it is due a belt service and haggle down if not done in last two years 2. if it has been standing for ages then good tip is put in gear and turn engine over spinning back wheel (just in case a belt wants to jump a tooth) 3. battery condition - is it on a trickle charger? Should be holding 11.8v or higher (engine off) 4. rear sub frames crack behind where you sit - seems the exhaust pulls down on it, fatigue sets in 5. does the seat cowl/cover (if a mono) properly engage with the sub frame? There's a moulded peg that slots into a rubber grommet. if not something may be out of line 6. look for any misting in the clocks 7. if S spec' the Ohlins fork seals can leak, just by being left standing (or track days transport with tie downs) 8. mirrors should be firmly attached - if not, the brass stud could have cracked where it is moulded. They aren't cheap to replace. 9. paint flakes off the engine block - there is a bit of a well behind the rear shock, where the crank case halves mate. 10. black swingarm has a well too - does have a drain hole but often blocked so can get flaky too 11. You probably know this, but press the starter once and release and it keeps turning over til it fires. Usually two to three times and then boom, from cold. Mine then idles to 3250 so I back the choke off. 12 If never ridden one, on standard gearing they are pretty lumpy below 30mph - I've changed sprockets as 2nd gear too juddery, 1st gear too noisy through villages. 13. Paint can flake off the headlamp housing 14. If popping a panel off, take a look at nearside around battery box. Crud can enter from front wheel spray and hits the electrics. There are relays there that can fail on you. Tips on the forum what to do, but often missed in cleaning. If sparkly clean in there, the owner is good. 15. I also popped the seat off (four screws and seat/tank unit tips up) to look at the state of the top shock mount and linkage - again if clean the owner is a good un. 16. And last tip - ask where it is serviced and ring them up. My bike was sold and resold by a local dealer and they had all the service history. filled me in on the first owner and confirmed the mileages enjoy
Thanks mileypau, that's quite a checklist. I have bought it now, see my post....'999 service' in the 749/999 section