So...... I cycle home from work and prop the bike against the garage. Hmmm I think, you deserve a little time tinkering on the project so I stay in the garage and do a little work. So I finish the bush I'd been machining, refit the swingarm and hoist the engine back in. Only took 20 mins, perfect, lock up, shower, pub.......only some c**t has stolen my bike from under my nose. For FFS I was only 6 foot away, the audacity of these scum. So if anybody should be offered a Specialized Sirrus Comp Disc on the cheap (Notts/Lincs) please let me know, I have the bolt croppers handy and then the angle grinder to take 1/4" slices off various body parts until satisfied..... Rant over..... Sorry....I know it's not Duke stuff but it helped.....
Wait for tue delige of 'its your fault' to flood in I think you should be able to leave your stuff anywhere without it being nicked. Hope the saddle falls off any they are impaled upto the frame
Argh! I felt that pain all to well a few years back. Left a carbon fibre Cannondale at work out the back of the unit in the kitchen area. When we were loading up one day we left the roller door open and some scroat walked in all the way through to the back of the unit and had it away. We were upstairs, with windows looking down onto the loading area and no one saw a thing. Absolute scumbags, but trouble is they know all to well that even if caught red handed at worst they'll get a slapped wrist. Really hope you see it again but sorry to say chances are it'll already be in bits waiting to be sold off by now Report it if you need to for the insurance but when I reported mine lost the attitude of 'can't be arsed, fill this form out' I got from the police made me even more furious than I was in the first place
feel the pain mate,, but,, being a cyclist for many years I have learned that however much we should be able to leave our property anywhere in reality we can not...claim the insurance and get another one..
That is terrible and your fault in any way. You wouldn't really imagine the gall of some people would stoop this low. Utter scumbags. Karma is a bitch!
To****S I feel for you Anyone should be able to leave their bikes etc on their own property without it being taken! Hope you do find it
Your fault for leaving it in view/unattended/insecure. Bradders made me do it.......... Seriously though yeh that's shit. Someone stole my wife's front wheel off her mountain bike a good few years ago, she called me and whilst on my way to collect her I drove past two scrotes cycling along the path carrying her front wheel. Turned the car round, over took them and casually parked up in front of them when they got level with me I smashed the one carrying the wheel off his bike and battered the fuck out of him. His mate peddled off at a rate that would has left Cavendish in his dust whilst I give the score a lesson. Funny thing was my daughter was in the back of the car and I remember her shouting 'Dad, he's had enough now'. I left him feeling sorry for himself but not till I'd trashed both his wheels and bounced my wife's wheel off his head a few times.
Nobody ever sees anything, always amazes me how the scumbags have the nerve to doit. Imagine a world where everyone just helped there selves to other peoples property. Knock on the door Hi can I help you Yes Ive come for your TV Ok there it is help yourself, is there anything else you would like?
I'm sure Pete wouldn't be involved in a fracas like that, infact he'd probably be compiling a case against those involved on a 'no win no fee' basis.....:smile::smile:
I woke up this morning to find my garage had been robbed. I immediately phoned the police. "There's been a spate of burglaries in the area recently," said the officer, "mainly bikes, lawnmowers. It's probably kids. Could you describe what's missing?" "Yes, it's a 26ft by 10ft brick-built garage with an electric door."
Are you sure you left the bike against the garage and not outside the pub? It does happen, it might be in the garage, have you checked? I should have been a cop.
Scumbags stole my car trailer last week from the tuners where it has been stored, probably the same people who took half of the fucking car a few years back. I'd love to hurt them.
That sentence there is a code for we could not give a fuck so lets blame it on those pesky kids. I was one time surprised to find a leaflet from police in Lewisham. It stated that there was a spate of burglaries in my area and that we should make sure to lock our doors properly when leaving to work. I then very quickly fallowed up on that, phoned in to number provided on the leaflet saying if you have any questions please contact ..... I then said I will lock the door as usual but as you know there is said spate of burglaries what are you doing about it except sending leaflets? never got a response