848 Advice On 2nd Year Service..

Discussion in '848 / 1098 / 1198' started by Superhoop, Nov 12, 2014.

  1. My 848 Evo is due its second year service at the end of January, so will also require belts - straight forward enough so far, but..

    It's done approx 6,600 miles so will need valve clearances checked/adjusted at 7.5k and to be honest is unlikely to be used again now until the spring, so I'm not going to be getting up to that mileage before January.

    To further complicate things, the bike was registered ion 31/01/12 but wasn't actually PDI'd until mid March 2012, so obviously unused until then.

    Do I...

    A) hold of on the second year sevice until I'm closer to 7.5k (probably 4-6 weeks after getting it back out in the spring) and then have service, belts valves all done together or,

    B) get the service and belts done in January (even though I won't actually be using it) and then have the valves checked when I get to 7.5k?

    The dealer I use didn't really want to check valves now, as they say it will then go too long between this and the next valve clearance check
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  2. dont know if ducati offer this but one or two of the car manufacturers offer a low millage service schedule that wont affect your warranty. go with dealer advice.
  3. Wait till to spring and get it do at a independent Ducati specialist that's what I'm doing cost around 450 where DM want 700 quid!
    #3 Richie Rich, Nov 12, 2014
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2014
  4. Get both done together it will save a fair bit of labour. If the 900 miles bothers you or the servicing dealer, get the next one done 900 early and then there isn't a problem with intervals. By the time the next valve service is due it will be out of warranty anyway and I doubt anyone else will be bothered that you did it early.

    My 15k valves is being done with the belts in the spring with just under 14k on the clock.
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  5. Get both done at the same time. If the bike is off the road for winter, it will all be ready for the first warm sunny day of Spring
  6. OK, so the general consensus is get it all done together (Which was always the plan) and get it done when I want to rather than having to get the bike out in January... Which is good, because I'm possibly having an 899 as a loan bike whilst mine is in and would prefer some nicer weather to enjoy it

    And on that - My dealer says I can have an 899 for a day whilst mine is in if I pick it up at 9 and drop it back at 6 the same day, but they don't let them out overnight as they need them for demo purposes - They also say they want my bike the night before so that they can check the clearances on a cold engine. Which confuses me, as if I'm picking it up at 5.30ish it's not like they're going to be any demo's that late - I asked if it was because of insurance and they said no, as long as I secure it as I would my own bike it's fine, it is just because it's a demo bike... But they'll let me have one all day... So how do they demo it if it's out all day!!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. Tell them to stop being such of bunch of idiots. If they want the bike there overnight, then they'll need to give you something to get home on. Explain that if you're having to drop £800 on a service, they can afford to let you have to bike overnight. Difficult for difficult sake IMO
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