Commute Part Of Insurance.

Discussion in 'Insurance - Sponsored by Ducati Insurance' started by Lucazade, Nov 13, 2014.

  1. I know that if you do a work where you have no constant place of work you need some other insurance.

    What if one has two jobs, both located in permanent location or more then one office is it still commute if you go few days here, few days there?
  2. My insurance doesn't specify office location, just says 'covered for commuting to place of work'?
  3. You have to insure for commuting to place of work that covers just what it says so wherever your working your insurance covers you commuting to those places

    Otherwise it's domestic and pleasure
  4. You need additional insurance if your travelling between two different work locations - I get paid mileage to travel between my base office and additional office - this is not covered under 'commuting to a single place of work '. Best speak to your insurers
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  5. I had this issue. The solution with my insurer was to add Business Use.
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  6. Well I learnt something new today :)
  7. Every day's a school day.

    You're a girl.

    You must be a school girl.

    You know where this is headed, right? :upyeah:
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  8. Never thought about that. My policy document says 'between home and normal place of business' which I guess would include other offices but not between the offices as you say.
  9. It only added about £20 year but you could be in trouble if you don't have the 'business' use add on
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  10. Yep most cover and refer to SINGLE place of work.
  11. you have insurance................:Angelic:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. If you are using it to go between places of work for the same employer then yes that is business use . But between two different employers then this is not business use its commuting .
  13. Are you certain as it would be additional project I am doing for unrelated company. No idea how long it will last as not certain I will like it so would prefer to not make changes yet.

    At worst I can park in-between two places so both are few minutes walk form bike.
  14. You need to check your policy wording. Look for words like 'permanent' or 'Single' as these are the limiting factors.
  15. I shell dig chris.

    Thx All/
  16. Normal insurance is "social, domestic and pleasure" and sometimes, but not always, "including commuting" - check the wording of the policy very carefully. The usual definition of commuting is from home to one place of work and back - NOT between places of work. I guess if you go home-work-home-different work, then technically it's still commuting, not business use, but I'm not sure how the insurance company would view it - probably best to ask them. Adding "business use" doesn't normally add much to the premium - when I did it for my Honda Accord it didn't actually change the premium at all - but the insurance company will need to know if you are using it for business use, and travelling between two places of work is business use... Given the risk of them not paying out, is it worth not telling them just to save a couple of pounds?
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  17. The short answer is it depends on who's underwritten your policy!

    Different Insurers have different wordings and interpret "commuting" differently. Some will only cover you to and from a single place of work, although leaving your bike at the station bike park can also be classed as commuting. If you travel between more than one place of work on a regular basis this may be covered or (as already posted), you may need to get "Business Use"

    I would always recommend if you are in any doubt to give your Insurer a call to seek clarification. Sorry, I know this sounds like a "cop out", but as per the previous post - it's important to make sure your properly covered.
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  18. 10 min from each other so decide to walk. But when my new job starts we will have to talk as will have 5 sites under me including head office.
  19. Hi,
    Give us a call when you start your new job. Chances are this will need "Business" cover; but it doesn't usually cost much more (if anything), depending on the Underwriter and circumstances.
  20. I would give you some advice, but not when you all allow insurance companies to use the forum :(
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