@finm And You Other Skirt Wearing Nancies...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by NZDave, Nov 15, 2014.

  1. Yet.
    Perhaps the beaten all blacks could become Americas cup sailors?

    No need, All Blacks played 524 matches, won 400, 76% win rate against all nations ( including 68% against Australia, 57% South Africa, 80% England)
  2. Yep, as said 2nd string team, lack of combinations really showing, there's no substitute for game time no matter how much you practice.
  3. Ok NZ take yourself over to the smug thread.


  4. Apparently 89% of statistics are made up on the spot..
  5. Not smug, just a realist, Scotland played really well, best I seen for years. :upyeah:
  6. Stats | allblacks.com

    Wales next week now, the battle of the Sheepshaggers :upyeah:
  7. Stats courtesy of Kim dot com?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. Wish the fat German fuck would go back to Germany. :mad: He formed a political party and his candidates stood for election, they got their arse handed to them! :D

  9. Well the scots start from a low base, and their best side is of course second string...
  10. Fishing's funny isn't it, you rarely catch the fish you're aiming for. :Angelic:
  11. What is it with grown men watching other grown men run about a field, kicking a ball or throwing. OK have a game yourself, but watching? WTF do you think netball and volleyball was invented for - Kin Nancy Boys the lot of you :rolleyes: boobie sports only for me :Happy:
  12. Beach Volleyball tournament here in a couple of weeks :upyeah: (indoors of course)
  13. What's not to like ImageUploadedByTapatalk1416081937.794573.jpg
  14. Its a kilt no a skirt Ya big blouse :Wtf:
  15. Exactly my point, it's for girls :Inpain:
  16. :Woot: Finally, the target audience is starting to arrive! :D
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. New Zealand has more Scottish pipe bands per capita than any other country in the world!!!!!!! fact:eek:
  18. Presumably from a participant audience of two.....nz and Scottish.
  19. FFs - wearing boxers and white socks.

    Have they no standards , no pride?
  20. True enough, I'm from Scottish stock myself (plus a bit of Maori), a lot of the street names in Invercargill are of Scottish origins as well. :upyeah:
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