Bunch of ravin homo's. All that grappling and wrestling in mud.... Its just not right. 15 on the pitch, 20 in the bath... Oh yes.... And who was that big Welsh fucker?? Something Thomas... bent as a nine bob note. I wouldn't like a dig off him, mind you.
Drinky, I'd delete that post. I don't mind any general kind of abuse as a scotsman, but porridgewog is fucking offensive. Theres no place for that. Porridgetwat or porridgecunt is fine. Wog isn't. If you cannot understand why that is then perhaps you should find out why.
No. Shite. Bollocks. Offence is in the eye of the beholder. Or something like that. If you choose to be offended, then you will be. I've traveled the globe since 87, I'm writing this from Africa, and have been on the receiving end of all kinds of verbal/racist/physical abuse. And you know what? I couldn't give a fuck and neither could anyone else. I say you and PC brigade should man the fuck up and get over yourselves. Oh, and who's bothered what you mind..... (read your post)
So if I was a Black Scotsman calling me a porridge wog is okay? You are a moron. You may well have travelled extensively but youve learnt nothing. Its not PC, its racist and you sir, if you said that to me, I would plant one on you. Oh i write this from Africa so its okay, "I'm not racist but...". You Mr Hinge are an ass. An ill educated and silly one. I'd be offensive to you but life has beaten me to it. Thank you Drinky for editing it.
Fantastic retort, the only thing you missed out was 'some of my best friends are Porridgewogs' The frightening thing is you neither understand what is offensive and are ignorant as to the incorrect context of the original post. I'll stop now, my Father told me never to argue with an idiot in case people can't tell the difference.
I think we can draw a line under this. Dont want to let the banter stop. I am more than happy to be called a jock twat or whatever. Neither do I think the term was posted originally in a racist context. But we must stop accidental and casual racism if we are to eradicate racism for good. I too dont like the PC brigade much. It over reacts. But come on 'wog' is not on.