
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by johnv, Nov 21, 2014.

  1. the view from my back garden
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  2. Bloody ell that's nice .
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    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  3. Indeed.
  4. Apart from Glasgow and much of that middle belt, Scotland is quite picturesque.

    But theres many parts of England that is just as pretty. Especially during spring.
  5. I'm a lady of Dunans Castle
  6. very nice, born there?
  7. No but aiming to visit sometime :)
  8. glendarule, mates go enduro riding around there.
  9. Very nice. Hope it still looks that nice next week when I am passing through
  10. I almost burnt down Dalhousie Castle as a wee boy whilst fishing on the Esk. We lit a wee fire to cook the wee fish we'd caught. (Must've been about 5 or 6 yrs old) Trouble was we lit the fire in a corn field and set the whole lot ablaze. Every fire truck in Midlothian was sent to put the fire out. I got a did all my wee pals...
  11. think i might of gone to a mates wedding there, v.posh
  12. Pretty, yes, but Scotland had a grandeur that England doesn't have.
  13. Bet you've a few more anecdotes with this line....
  15. After that, the owners were the members of Clan Fletcher. Right up until 1997. One particular Fletcher caught my eye in reading their family history: Colonel Archibald "Archie" Fletcher. Why was he awesome? Colonel "Archie" Fletcher just happens to be one of the men Ian Fleming based his character James Bond after. It was after Colonel Fletcher's death, in fact, that Dunans Castle fell into disrepair.

    Copied and pasted
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  16. one of these
    [​IMG]and one of these,[​IMG]

  17. All the mod cons eh.:upyeah:
  18. in fact the wedding i went to there was possibly related to yourself, think i will text him and find out if he is related to mr boots.
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