I am considering taking the horrible foam off my fairing panels. Looks like about 1kg of rubber there. Before I do can someone confirm that they were there for sound deadening, not heat shielding?
Apparently it's sound deadening for noise regs. Fairing sound-deadening material - Ducati.ms - The Ultimate Ducati Forum
Took me hours to get all the glue off using automotive tar/glue remover, do it outside unless you want to get high....Mike
Should have got a 2002....came off in 2 minutes, no glue to be seen anywhere. And now my bike is 300gm lighter......
Mine was falling off and I was surprised it didn't get into my air box. It was like bad insulation just crumbling up. I threw it away. david
300g is probably the equivalent weight loss of several hundred pounds worth of replacement titanium bolts. Nice free mod.