Twitter Is The New Legal System

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Loz, Nov 30, 2014.

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  1. I think I'm the one in the world not on facepage
  2. If a young lady is charged will they allow her to pull one of those God awful pouting poses?

    BTW, Evobarrow you're not alone, I don't do Faceache or Twatter either.
  3. For some people being named on Twitter is their 15 minutes of fame
  4. There's 3 of us, wonder if its summit to do with this forum
  5. Me neither, hate the self absorption of FB/Twitter ;).
  6. Surely that can't be legal ? There will almost certainly be some sort of human rights issue there...
    Anyone from the legal profession care to comment ?
  7. that's 5 of us so far - no FB/T
  8. By which I mean...
    A charge is basically an official, but unproved, accusation. I agree that people who are convicted deserve everything they get, but this seems to assume that everyone charged will be found guilty. What ever happened to "innocent until proved guilty" ?
    • Agree Agree x 2
  9. Make that 6. I guess we must be all past puberty on this forum.
  10. No social media whatsoever. Its just an internet cb radio.
  11. 1-4 a copy, come back. ram yer face book
  12. As important and refreshing as it is to hear about the principled stand that many people are taking against the evil that is "keeping in touch electronically" ...

    ... are many people concerned that people charged, but not convicted, of an offence are being potentially libelled and certainly pre-judged in respect of their alleged offence? (In Twitter at least - I believe about twelve people across the World use it but perhaps it's more than that?)
  13. The young of today will rue the shite they posted on whatever come the day they are old enough to realise.
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. True, boots. Should I have made the thread about how stupid Twitter and FaceBook are, then?

    Sorry for posting the wrong thread!
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  15. I think Facebook is useful for families that are spread all over to keep in touch, but some of the stuff you see that kids are posting is shocking. You just know they will regret it but you cannot tell them anything. Facebook and Twitter are probably good if used appropriately. I think people get carried away and dont understand their vulnerability.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  16. I only post naked pictures on facebook once every two weeks :)
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  17. before you start @Baldyboy i only liked because i liked the idea of it in a non sexual manner. i is married and totally unavailable.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. Fin's wrestling his demons again. Someone fetch the baby oil.
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. aww bollox, you canny win.
    • Funny Funny x 4
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