For Sale Panigale Telferizer Ram Mount

Discussion in 'Parts, Accessories & Clothing For Sale' started by Poucher, Nov 19, 2014.

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  1. Hi Guys,

    Anyone thinking of fitting a Sat Nav to their Pani's and wants a Telferizer mount?

    I have one for sale, I paid £28 plus post for it ( works out about £32 ) So you can save a few quid I'd like £24 posted for it.

    Paypal gift payment please.

    More blurb here if you need it :-

    The Telferizer Custom Motorcycle RAM mounts for GPS Systems


  2. Hi

    I will take this if still for sale
  3. Bloody hell Kwack, almost forgot about this!

    How do you private message on this site? and I'll give you some contact details??


  4. TO PM somebody you search for their username, or click on it and select 'start a conversation'
  5. Cheers Matt,
    Figured it out last night.

    Telferizer is wrapped and in jiffy bag on my desk now Kwack and will be in the post today.


  6. I shall close the thread :)
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