899 Matte Or Gloss Carbon ??

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by iang27, Dec 3, 2014.

  1. Your money, your choice :)
    • Agree Agree x 2
  2. Have you seen the body work on the late 999R? Fackin gawjus. ... Glossy glossness everywhere. The way forward.
    • Like Like x 1
  3. I admit, the 999r did (and still does) look amazing. But IMHO its of its time. Just look at the amount of satin finishes there are out there these days, whether its cars, bikes or kitchen equipment. Styles change and on an 899 I'd go for a flat finish rather than gloss.

    But the OP asked for opinions not for us to decide so I'll leave it there. As @El Toro says....your money, your choice.
  4. Fair do's. But like I tell my (12th) wife, there's my opinion and wrong opinions....:D
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. As I once read in the Viz 'Don't waste money on expensive binoculars. Simply stand closer to the object you wish to view'
  6. Gloss everytime....why would you want to make your bike look dull?? unless it's a Suzuki and the manufacturer has already done that for you anyhoo.
  7. Matt on mine - why would I want it to look like one of my handbags ;)

    Ok don't mention the MV bradders
  8. Radley's do matt handbags as well :D
  9. Both my bikes are matt black, if I put gloss carbon on it, it looks shite and out of place.
    My 1199s has a matt carbon front hugger and that looks just fine I can see the weave perfectly mind you I did have my eyes lasered :upyeah:
  10. It will just make you realise how shit the matte bodywork looks ;)
  11. Your only jealous Bradders
  12. Funny enough, i just bought another full bodykit for my gixer. Matte black :Banghead:
  13. For your what ???? Traitor but good call in matt black
  14. It was cheap....
  15. Thats coz its japanese, Last time I saw you was at Newlands you had the multi I think, have you still got it?
  16. Yep this is track bike, where you need a mans bike ;) lol
    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. Was it the gsxr 600 7ou bought then ? LOL
  18. 400....

    Nah the iconic, best of all, k5 1000
  19. How much £150 ? any more than that and you were stiffed mate
  20. Pmsl yeah right....try getting a panel for a ducati umder 150 notes...
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