Police house search capabilities.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Wrecked, Aug 11, 2012.

  1. Obviously, shame about the sad (but almost inevitable) outcome but........

    ....first thing that came to mind when the news broke that the missing 12 year old had been discovered in the very house that the police had already searched twice before was a picture of the last officer emerging proclaiming " Found this spoon sir ".

    found this spoon sir! - life of brian - YouTube

    Not much has changed in 2000 years eh? :biggrin:
  2. Well done centurion
  3. I think she was taken next door hence she wasn't found
  4. And they'd have gotten away with it if it wasn't for Scooby and that pesky Ducbird!!
  5. Dogs dont normally miss stuff so looking like she was moved

    Fucking awful people, the worst of humankind
  6. Erm think we are pre-judging things?
  7. Yep totally. But only those that did it; statement still stands wheth those arrested or someone else responsible
  8. :-O .........
  9. I just wish that the death penalty could be brought in for these people and for those that disagree I wish that it was there family that was effected and they had to suffer the loss of someone close due to scum that they thought should not get the said death penalty.
  10. I'm from Selsdon , New Addington estate is 10 mins from my parents house.
    I also have old school friends living there.
    This will go down badly as the police are not welcomed there.
    My friend has been working her arse off on community projects to try and make it a nicer place... Sadly a lot of undesirables up there .. Poor Tia fell foul of the lowest of the low.
    Been with my folks today and been madness down there.
    Much like when we had bloody Suffolk Strangler here .. Not nice. They went for a quiet drink and press where all over the place including a pub 5 mins drive away from Addington.

    Seems like she was moved...
    Possibly next door.
    Sadly another case of abuse within a family I suspect :( sadly we see it at work :( poor girl .
    It's rarely a unknown except for the likes of little Sarah Payne. Usually someone known or infiltrates the family.

    If he is guilty I wish the blokes in the estate had got hold of the piece of scum.
    Instead of him being "cared" for in a special prison cough holiday camp paid for by our taxes.
    I wish that we had the electric chair here for them to fry them slowly while the ones that did love these children watched.
    I know an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth is not to a lots liking but I think anyone who is a parent would agree these people are not worthy to walk this earth.. She's at peace now.
    I know it's a waste of a life.

    I also feel so much for those poor children who endure a childhood of abuse.. And have to carry that through life ..
    • Like Like x 2
  11. If there was irrefutable proof that a person had done such a crime, I would pull the lever/turn the switch/pull the trigger while looking them in the eye. I would then argue the point with my maker when we met, and take my chances.
  12. Tha's a ridiculous attitude.
    There are many reasons I fundamentally disagree with the death penalty, not least being the ineffective deterrent it provides and the problems you get if you make a mistake.
    • Like Like x 1
  13. Lets hope none of your friends or family are involved then . You might just change your mind if it happened. I dont care about your opinion and I stand by mine.
  14. What do you do with cases where the courts get it wrong?
    Why do you think killing people is ok?
  15. I object paying taxes to keep these I won't even call them animals as animals are too nice.
    Things in a protective environment "
    "fed watered and treated with respect for the rest of their days.

    Thats not punishment.

    That man in particular has a drug dealing record ..
    so prison is nothing new or scary to him.
    Sadly he will get his drugs and drink .

    Well if death isn't an option castration with a rusty blunt knife would serve them better.

    The worst justice even was the Bulger killers..
    What they did to that poor soul was premeditated,
    I know they where children but NO child of a sane nature would do that!
    Ones been caught as an adult looking again and storing child porn.
    One has a girlfriend and living a normal life paid for by us.

    All the parents have of James is the knowing they are out there.
    The terrible images of what they did to that baby.
    And memories.

    I hate these beasts...
  16. Hmm. In high-profile cases similar to this, over the years, I have seen statements from the families of victims to the effect that they are glad to see justice done and that they have no desire to see the perpetrator executed.

    If anyone is entitled to hold this kind of opinion, it is the families of victims. I don't agree with families having a say in the decision of the punishment, by the way. However, you have to respect their opinion.

    I don't get it, myself. If I was placed in such a situation, the perpetrator wants to pray for death penalty for himself as I don't believe there is any such thing as cruel and unusual punishment in such cases. I'd be happy to get a piece of that action..
    I would have (and do have) no trouble with the death penalty. I don't agree with the killing of human beings - but I have no problem whatsoever in re-classifying this kind of murderer as a different species and thus without human rights. Execute and burn the body, I say.

    But that's just an opinion. Worthless, as I have not been directly touched by such horrors (only indirectly).

    Edit: a lot of sympathy here for what He11cat says above.
  17. Nor have I but in my old job and now we have children who have been abused , mistreated , and dogs are treated better.
    It's heartbreaking.
    These children live with that forever which as far as I am concerned is another fate that is just terrible.
  18. There are plenty of things my taxes get spent on that I disagree with, it's one of the prices we all pay for living in a civilised country.
    Another is that in this country convicted criminals are incarcerated as punishment not for punishment, this means that we will treat people as human beings whatever their crimes and if we accept the sanctity of all human life then that applies equally to all of us, not just the ones we like.

    Extreme examples like this case and like the Jamie Bulger tragedy will always test the boundaries of any judicial system, but then so would the Birmingham Six and Guildford Four cases and they all proved to be miscarriages of justice.
  19. It would certainly deter the muderer from doing it again. But the death penalty should be applied if there was ABSOLUTE PROOF of guilt. Any doubt and thats what life sentences are for,
  20. Why do I think its ok to execute someone.

    25 years ago my friends daughter was raped , hung up by the ankles in the shed and had her tits cut off where she bled to death . The individual that did this is now out of prison and back on the streets living his life as fully as he can . My friend is an alcoholic who can hardly stand up anymore . His life as well as his daughters was taken back then and the scum that did it probably dosent give a fcuk.
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