Front brake discs warped - big cost.

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by maigrait, Oct 4, 2012.

  1. I fitted EBC HH pads shortly after purchasing mine...several set of pads up to 90,000miles and rotors are still good, swift riding mostly, rain or shine very dependable brakes.

    even in the torential rain this morning I can pull on the brakes with out the worry "will they work"
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  2. Just phoned m/ch Ducati because the front brakes started pulsing 300 mls ago. Described the exact symptoms & they said its almost certainly warped discs. It goes in on tues for inspection. This is now its 8th issue needing fixing. The bikes 18 months old & done 10k! I'm rapidly loosing the faith .

  3. Well the 1000 must have better front brakes than the 1200. I fitted EBC HH sintered as I do with all my bikes, however in torrential rain the front brakes are cack! The worst I've ever known - fine in the dry but woeful when it's extremely wet, and I thought Brembo were supposed to be one of the best....
  4. i havent changed my pads from stock and they are like that, when its wet, it takes a 'heart in mouth' moment before they start to bite!
  5. Thanks for everyones replies on this, now sorted.

    I took off the wheel, cleaned everything and put it all back. The pads and discs were fine after a good clean/service but whilst I was there I noticed the bearings a little notchy on one side. Yes indeed after a couple of rides getting worse. So whether my dirty brakes were hiding the wheel bearing or it was knocking the brakes outta whack I don't know. Anyway up shot is took it to the garage and yes they confirmed that the front wheel bearings were indeed shot.

    9k miles, 2 years old not great but hey cheap enough to replace.

    So had service (just a yearly oil, etc), all the recalls done bar the coolant (as none in stock!!) and the front wheel bearings done. 270 euros which I thought was okay. Kenny at Rosso Ducati in Dublin is a genius...

    The bike is now transformed, I reckon the bearings were going for ages...

    Anyway thanks again to all the great suggestions - even went out and got the dial gauge that was suggested - nice bit of kit!

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  6. Interesting. Mine has the same issue - a pulsing at very low speed when under light braking. So you reckon the bearings were the fault all along, or did cleaning the floating discs do it? Anyway, I see a small project coming after Christmas.
  7. Nothing that a bit of penetrating oil won't fix ;)
  8. I had that exact same issue on mine from new. In the end it was the front scorpion tyre , a bit of a head scratcher at the time.
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