Another Quiz.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by finm, Dec 7, 2014.

  1. more of a math sequence that predicts your favorite move.
    no peeking at the answers.
    pick a number from 1 to 9
    multiply by 3
    add 3 to that number
    multiply by 3 again
    add the two digits together to find the number of your all time favorite movie.s

    1. gone with the wind.
    3.oliver. wars.
    5.forrest gump.
    6.saving private ryan.
    9. the joy of annal sex
    with male goat+leather clad
    gay boys.
    10.mary popins.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. Bloody could you know that?Are you Derren Brown?
  3. you can just tell.:Angelic::smile:
  4. Lol oh gawd
  5. haven't you got some presents to wrap or alcohol to drink?
  6. Saving private Ryan cool.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. nope, got wood to stack.
    liking your trap door.:smile:
  8. Yeaahhh...
    Fin has discovered the secret of the nine-times table...
  9. yip.
    getting good with the numbers. :upyeah:
  10. But buggered if your wearing socks or mittens -eh?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. it's the first 4 i struggle with anyhoo.
  12. Did you think PPI stood for Pinkie,Percy and Index finger?
  13. which one your index finger?this one :Finger: ?
    teehee only joking.:smile:
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