Definitely necessary for sense if you erroneously put an apostrophe before the s of the plural, Qat Ds, making it possessive (Qat D's). But if you correctly leave it as a simple plural form it's not really confusing, especially as Rivets had a capital R denoting it's a name, not a generic bunch of fixings. Nice try though!:Happy:
You lot must be bored rigid, I'm off work at the moment, what's your excuse? (Enjoying the banter tho)
Work ... I have heard of this concept. What is it pray tell? Just back from a blast to Snell's, where I nearly bought a new bike! Just stopped myself and will think about it instead.
Definitely Quat Ds (no apostrophe please!) I've got a sticky U - either that or I have Le Manoir au Qat Saisons (a posh caff) on the brain.
Anyway, the answer is, once a month, start the engine up and run at a decent temperature for 20-30 minutes. Everything in the engine that is meant to move gets moved, the lubrication is at the desired temperature. If you are worried about cold-starts wearing your engine out ... well, don't ever put any petrol in the tank and the engine will last forever. Once a month won't kill it. And @bootsam - 'tis not.
It's kind of you to say "weirdly"! Lynne Truss is less forgiving - I won't repeat what she says about this. Perhaps a cheap Christmas present? Eats shoots and leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to..., Truss, Lynne Hardback 1861976127 | eBay I was given my copy some years ago and I have to say that I find it quite handy from time to time.