Disappointing service from a main dealer

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Peterpoddy, Aug 12, 2012.

  1. So we went to book our ST3s in for a service, new back tyre and MOT at a well known UK dealer, that we've used before (My wife bought her Monster there) and we've been rather disappointed. I wouldn't have mentioned it after the first few niggles, but I rang them yesterday and they're about to get pretty much the following in a writing to a director, because the bloke on the phone really didn't seem to care and was quite uppity with me

    Here we go, in roughly time order

    We needed a new back tyre. They didn't know what size it was. We had to tell them in advance. They should know this.
    Bike came back with black oily fingerprints on it (Bike is immaculate and clean) and clear oil of some sort dripping off one of the top frame tubes
    They heard a 'knocking noise' on a road test so they had replaced the rear wheel bearings without clearing it with us first. They also noted the chain and sprockets were worn. When I tested it afterwards, the noise is obviously the worn chain.
    There's a suspension linkage bush thats worn. I went through the whole rigmarole of getting a price (Why not already priced up??) said "Yep, do it" to be told they can't do it for three weeks at least
    My wife rang them to inquire how much extra they'd charge to change the C&S whilst they were doing the rear suspension (i.e back wheel already out) to be told 1.5 hrs labour, so £80-ish + VAT. 1.5 hrs to split and join a chain and switch 2 sprockets over? Joke, right?
    The paperwork noted that the headlight aim had been adjusted for the MOT. We mostly ride 2-up with luggage and for those that don't know (Including their mechanic it seems...) ST3s have electronic headlight adjustment, so ours was set LOW. So they manually adjusted it UP and messed the headlight aim up, rather than just pressing a button.... And on the first ride, lo and behold, the headlight was pointing at low flying panes, but set on it's lowest setting.
    There was a breather pipe dangling oddly where it had never been before

    So I gave them a ring, and the bloke on the phone was rather uppity and tried to suggest I was wrong about the headlight adjustment so I suggested that he should go and read the owners manual. I wasn't going to mention the rest of the stuff but he annoyed me so I reeled the whole lot off
    Him "We're not doing very well are we?"
    Me "No, you're not"
    All he could say was to bring the bike in and leave it a day. We really don't have the time to do this. Nor should I have to waste a gallon of fuel on a round trip to correct stuff that shouldn't have happened in the first place so I asked what recompense I would get for this to which he answered he couldn't do that so I should contact a director.
    I said I would, in writing.
    And I will, be sure of that. Don't call my bluff, sunshine.

    At this point I thought I'd give the bike a further check over and found

    NDS chain adjuster wasn't even finger tight and rattling around (They took the wheel out remember) and it wouldn't have been long before I'd have lost the end cap off the swing arm.
    There was fresh oil drips on the bottom of the oil filter.

    Now, I'm a pretty good mechanic myself and as we need to ride that bike rather than faff around, I've sorted the headlight and tightened the adjuster up already, and I'll be fitting the new chain too, I've done that several times in the past. And what I'm going to do in the letter is include a bill for my services in correcting their mistakes and see what they make of that.

    See, I pay premium dealer prices for a premium dealer service. I expect, not unreasonably, that they should know more than me, have better mechanics and facilities than me, and provide an efficient service. I shouldn't have to tell them what tyre size it is. They should call me and clear any extra work before carrying it out. The bike should be returned in a better mechanical and cosmetic condition than it was left, not worse. I shouldn't have to correct their mistakes, wait on the phone whilst they faff about getting prices, or write to a director to get some action.

    Mistakes happen, I get that. It's how you deal with them and correct them that counts.

    I'll be writing to them today (Sun 12th August) and when I get a reply, I'll update this thread.
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  2. Name and shame !!!
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  3. Name and Shame, I say!!
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  4. No, not yet. We'll see what they say first.
  5. Name them regardless! As a main dealer, any one of us could potentially taking our bikes there, would be good to have a heads up so we can be wary of anything that may occur.
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  6. Dont forget to take pics for backing up their faults
  7. I hope you change your mind about naming this dealer. Regardless if they right their wrongs it sounds like someone I'd wish to avoid doing business with.
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  8. Got to say that the stories emanating of main dealer service put me right off buying a new one with warranty.
  9. Is the corerect answer. If they fail to deal with the issues you have then give them both barrels :smile:
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  10. Name and shame, those issues shoulden't have arisen and no matter what they say, they can't undo what has happened.
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  11. I've bought all my Ducati's from a dealer (St Neots Motorcycles) and have received only the finest service and work from them... Hence why I spend my money with them. Not all dealers are bad...
  12. I tried to find them the other day but got lost :frown:
  13. So did I the first time I went there... The secret wasn't to go through the centre of town.
  14. With service this bad I dont understand the reluctance to name and shame (I believe there are two dealers in Hampshire anyway......). Mistakes do happen but all of those listed in one service is unforgivable!

    Hope you get it fixed to your satisfaction

  15. Put yourself in the dealers shoes............wouldn't you like the opportunity to put things right first? :rolleyes:
  16. Fair say, but you can't excuse them for being so poor in the first place. They shouldn't have to rectify it if the service was half good to begin with. I would normally say the same as you but when, according to OP, they display such a shitty attitude towards the customer, I say name and shame! :tongue:
  17. You're right of course. The service shouldn't have been crap in the first place, but we all have off days don't we?
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  18. I agree, we do have off days. Dealership should really step up and sort the situation out
  19. And if they do then job jobbed :smile:

    But if they don't then name and shame. No business likes bad publicity and the internetz will spread the word very, very quickly.
  20. I work in the motor trade it don't work that way just think if someone dies as a result of someone's incompetence and I do believe he gave them the option to sort it out and they told him to leave the bike there all day , you should pay someone else to put it right and send them the bill
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