Life Through Motorcycles

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Baldyboy, Dec 8, 2014.

  1. How about posting pics of the bikes you have owned got another 50 to go. How did you arrive at at a duke?








    View attachment 39228
    #1 Baldyboy, Dec 8, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 9, 2014
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  2. which ones you?
    need to look back 30 odd bikes, will work on it.
  3. All if them got loads more feck knows what the last one is doing in there.
  4. Havent been riding for long enough :) :), but a great idea. Gotta love some old school photos
  5. Nice idea, although I've only been riding since 2008 so my bike riding history is pretty dull. However no one could say I've been brand unfaithful and I started as I meant to go on. :)

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  6. bike no 1 tho not as tidy.
  7. bike no2 tho not as tidy. this is gonna take a while.
  8. I haven't got a pic of every bike I have owned (in the region of 50 plus bikes) but I'm just as interested in the fashion of yesteryear, will post more of mine later. I cant be the only one with old pics.
  9. lots of c.g's and xl's in field bike form wont boar you with the pics
    one of these.
  10. excellent thread hopefully in the making - wish someone had taken/I had taken more pics
  11. [​IMG]
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  12. [​IMG]
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  13. I've posted this before but - first bike:


    So, so ugly. Dear Goat ... so fugly.
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. [​IMG]
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  15. first legal rd bike seventeen, micron,ace bars,
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  16. 20 yrs later than the 1st and all my hair has gone
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  17. bought one of these (after the rd got nicked the day after i made the last payment) only had it a day,mate wrought it off. been played with, v.quick for a 125.
  18. had one of these with a sidewinder, a 125 also.
    oh and a rd400 field bike then a 5 year brake from bikes.
  19. one of these in black with 4in to one (you board yet?) then another big break.
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